4. The Village

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Yeosang decided to take the lead again, with Mingi beside him. Yeosang and Mingi both liked to take the lead at times, so might as well join together. Wooyoung and Yunho followed right behind them. Yunho kept telling dad jokes, to Woo's annoyance.

"What do you call a cow with no legs? GROUND BEEF!! HAHA!"

"Yunho I am absolutely begging you to stop. I've heard that joke 3 times in the past 45 minutes. I get it. The cow is on the ground and beef comes from the cow."

"Ugh you're so boring Wooyoung, at least Mingi will listen to my jokes. You know, you should really cheer up. You're usually pretty positive. What's going on?"

"I don't know Yunho, I just have a pretty bad feeling that something will happen. Something terrible. Or great? I don't know what it will be but I know it's going to be a big change."

"Okay but that's just an assumption. I hate to say it but your gut feeling isn't always right. Like that one time you felt a connection to this building you swore there was food in. Instead there was dozens of infected and not one crumb in sight."

"Oh whatever. But if something does happen, I'll get to say I told you so."

"Deal. And if nothing happens you can give me those leftover candy bars in your pack because I know you're hiding them."

"Yunho! Don't say that so loudly. Fine. I'll let you have a candy bar if nothing happens."


Yeosang and Mingi couldn't help but smile at them. Even if Yeosang was pretty upset with him earlier because of the zombie situation, he still knows Mingi didn't mean to. They learned a long time ago that arguments and fights don't help any situation. It's better to move on.

As they walked along the path on the map, the sun was visibly going down. If they remembered
correctly, it was most likely about 4 pm. Luckily, they weren't too far from the village at this point.

They continued their trek for about 2 more hours until they finally reached the village. At first sight, the village looked basically untouched. The houses were rebuilt and remodeled. The center had a large bonfire that wasn't lit, but had fresh wood laid on it. Chopped wood was stacked right beside it.

The boys carefully walked to the gate of the town. They saw the outskirts of the town through the fence surrounding the village. Mingi first attempted to open the gate, only to find it was locked. Wooyoung began to help Mingi attempt to open it as well. Yeosang looked around the gate, suspicious of how tidy-looking this village was.

Yunho was the first to notice a man through the fence, with his face covered almost fully except for his eyes. He wore an all black outfit, and held a gun through the fence at Yunho.

Yunho slowly backed away with his hands in the air, whispering to Wooyoung and Mingi to stop trying to get the gate open. The rest of the boys saw the dark figure as well, and backed away with their hands raised. Yeosang put his hands on his head, but secretly had a grip on his metal bat.

The strange figure asked the boys, "Who are you?Why are you here?"

Wooyoung decided to be the messenger, saying "We are just trying to find a place to sleep for the night. We've traveled here from a nearby city where it wasn't safe. Please, we mean no harm. We don't want trouble. Just a place to rest."

If the boys would have known a team had already lived here, they wouldn't have even gone near it. Most people nowadays kill other people on sight just because no one trusts anyone. It was a good sign that they weren't already dead.

The dark figure took off his mask and revealed his face, which was pale. He had large eyes with an intimidating expression on his face, and his hair was fluffy and black. He instructed someone behind the gate to open it, and the gate opened slowly. One of the other men behind the gate gestured for them to come in, holding a gun to them. The boys walked in single file with their hands behind their head.

The man who revealed his face came to them and said, "I'm Hongjoong. For the moment, you are still considered not to be trusted, but if you prove you can be trusted, you can stay here."

The boys nodded their heads in agreement and followed one of the dark figures into a small house.

There was 4 men, and Hongjoong was the only one to reveal himself. Wooyoung looked to Yunho, and whispered, "I told you so.."

Yunho gruntled because he lost his chance for that chocolate bar.

One of the men instructed them to give up their weapons and lay them on a table outside on the porch. The boys were reluctant, but their weapons were no match for their guns anyways. They all laid down their bats, knives, and any other items that could be considered a weapon.

The boys sat down against the wall of the house, while the 4 figures sat down at the dining table in the house.

A masked man revealed his face to them as well. He was not much taller than Wooyoung, but he had sort of a baby face. He didn't look like a baby though. He had an angry look on his face, and combined with a built appearance.

The man said, "My name is Jongho." Short and sweet, but at least he's straightforward.

The man beside him followed Jongho, revealing his face as well. He had a very emotionless expression, with a wider face. He looked down on the boys with a sense of curiosity. He looked at them and said,

"I'm Seonghwa, and I apologize about Jongho. He is sometimes not so good at looking friendly."

The man behind Seonghwa was last to introduce himself. He was by far the most intimidating man. Wooyoung took notice to him almost immediately. He looked extremely strong, with a large and muscular body. He wasn't very tall, but his muscles made up for his lack of height. His face was stone cold, with large cheekbones and a sharp jaw. He almost looked deadly.

The man looked directly in Wooyoung's direction and stated,

"I'm San. If you try anything, I promise I'll kill you dead."

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