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The first lights of day filter through the window, and he wakes up with the same routine as always, but this morning is different. At 6:33 AM, as usual, he reaches for his notebook and writes the time with a radiant smile. Beside it, he adds a thought:

- Time 6:33 AM | Yesterday's dream seems to be a one-time thing, but I don't want to dwell on it. Today I feel better and I want to stay this way.

With determination, he gets up and heads to the bathroom. The mirror, covered in a thin layer of condensation, reflects his face with a mix of anticipation and confidence. He turns on the faucet and lets the cold water fall onto his hands. Then, with a decisive movement, he splashes his face and stares at himself. His eyes shine with renewed determination as he quietly says:

- I missed this. I feel good. I hope this feeling lasts all day.

After a moment of contemplation, he dresses with energy and heads to the kitchen. With brisk steps, he prepares a healthy breakfast, letting comforting aromas fill the room. As he cooks, a melody begins to resonate in his mind and soon he's humming a cheerful song, letting the music envelop him.

Once breakfast is ready, he sits at the table and savors every bite with gratitude. While eating, he checks his phone and a notification brings an exciting surprise: his project has been approved. Excitement washes over him and he quickly responds, expressing his gratitude and enthusiasm for the opportunity.

After breakfast, he retreats to his creative corner, searching for his songwriting notebook. Opening it, a sense of anticipation washes over him. Each blank page is an invitation to creativity and achievement. With pen in hand, he starts writing, letting the words flow freely. Each theme that emerges is a small victory, a piece of the puzzle that is starting to take shape.

After a while, he gets up and heads to the kitchen for a snack. As he absentmindedly chews, his mind dives into thoughts about the project taking shape. It's then that a word pops into his mind: "LOGROS".

That simple word encapsulates everything he aspires to achieve with this project. With renewed determination, he returns to his notebook and writes the word in large, bold letters on the first page. It's a constant reminder of his potential and his goals.

Satisfied with the progress made so far, he takes a moment to reflect on the day ahead of him. With a smile on his lips and a gleam of anticipation in his eyes, he rises from his chair and prepares to face whatever the day holds.

With steady steps, he heads to the door, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that await outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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