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12:00 PM noon

Every step he took resonated on the pavement as he absorbed the surroundings with a penetrating gaze. In a corner store, the owner's face was flushed with anger as he scolded his employee, who shrugged with a resigned gesture, worry lines marking his forehead. Further ahead, policemen surrounded a dark-skinned man, his hands spread out on the hood of a patrol car, his expression a mixture of indignation and resignation. And on the opposite sidewalk, a teenager, barely a child, clung to the hand of an older man, their laughter discordant with the generational gap that separated them. Faced with this scene, he wondered...

"What is happening in this world?"

The answers were lost in the city's echo, but he knew that some truths were too cruel to be spoken aloud. He pressed on, his determination intact despite the shadows lurking around him. Finally, he reached his desired destination, an oasis of peace amidst urban chaos. The park stretched out before him, a green oasis in the concrete desert, with a serene lake as the jewel in its crown. The water reflected the blue sky, gentle ripples caressing the shore with a comforting whisper. Birds sang in the tree branches, their chirps filling the air with a melody of hope and calm. He sat on a worn wooden bench, letting himself be carried away by the tranquility of the moment.

Then, a story flowed from his lips, a legend he had heard many times before...

"They say this lake is a gateway between two worlds, one of light and one of shadows. By immersing oneself in its waters, one can be transported to a predetermined place, be it paradise or abyss. The lake has the power to ward off the world's clamor, granting peace and tranquility to those who visit it."

As he finished his tale, a sense of serenity enveloped him, and for a moment, all the challenges he had faced seemed less overwhelming. He rose from the bench with renewed determination, ready to face whatever the future held.

He bid farewell to the park with one last glance at the lake, feeling the calm of the place wash over him like a comforting cloak. With steady steps, he made his way home, prepared to confront whatever challenges tomorrow might bring.

Before opening the door to his home, he murmured to himself...

"I don't know what challenges tomorrow will bring, but I know I'll be ready to face them."

SIMPLE: 6:33 AM | ENGLISH VERSIONTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon