040: downfall

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KARMA NEVER LIKED parties with excessive drinking and a bunch of people he didn't know.

Which, yes, didn't really fit in with his whole 'screw-boy, extrovert guy' image, but parties were an exception. He, still, of course attended friendly get-togethers and gatherings, he just stayed away from clubs.

The reason was understandable, but the red haired boy hadn't dared to tell mina yet. He hadn't spoken to anyone about this, really.

It's just.. that things like this remembered karma of him.
Him who's name wasn't known to anyone karma loved most, him who was luckily studying abroad, him who caused his little brother to hate him since childbirth. Him.

Karma Akabane wasn't an only child, contrary to what many of his friends thought. I mean, he was always alone at home, so it was understandable. But believe it or not, karma Akabane had an average family.

He had parents. They weren't dead, or missing, or kidnapped. They were just working. And he had an older brother, too.

If you could call it that.

Karma Akabane and Kyo Akabane were brothers by blood, but karma wouldn't dare to call them anything else but people who shared the same last name.

Kyo Akabane loved parties.

Anyhow, karma was currently strolling through the club after he and Chiba split up at the entrance. He hadn't found many of his classmates yet, merely a confused kaede and excited kurahashi. He told them to keep an eye out for Chiba, and group with him and whoever he found.

The group still had to find the door to the next floor, right?

He didn't know that everything would turn out very, very wrong in just a few moments. If he did, he would have done anything but punch that weird American in the face after he found him with mina.

Karma lightly pushed a few drunk guys (who surprisingly looked much younger than him) out of the way, got off the dance floor, and decided to get to the bar, which was the highest point on the floor, to look out for more of his classmates.

That's when he saw them: the american boy that stood on the other field yesterday, hovering over mina. Their mina, 3-E's mina, his mina.
The guy was way too close to her, too. He had a hand placed on her cheek, holding her face up to watch his. He looked down with such a disgusting, patronising look.
The worst part was that mina had a tear rolling down her cheek, from that point on it was a no-brainer.

From that point on, karma didn't waste a thought.

Karma Akabane always thinks.

The red haired boy launched himself forward, rage boiling inside of him. He didn't know why. He had an idea, though. He was just too scared to say it to himself.
Even tough he hasn't had much time lately, Karma searched for any Reason to start a fight, usually. But he wasn't so angry about them, so fucking pissed.
He only started fights with those who deserved it, and, hey, that asshole deserved it more than anything. So I guess that added up.

He, firstly, broke the guy off mina, walking in between them. He could see the boy being confused, but that was the least of his priorities. Karma made a big swing before hitting a lunch directly in the boy's face.


Karma couldn't stop, then, it felt too good. It all made sense, he was the reason for mina's down yesterday, he harassed her today, he was guilty for everything. Having a scapegoat to let everything out on felt so utterly amazing. Well, not amazing, relieving was a better word. It was also made out naturally in karma's head that mina would be back to her usual self after he had finished, completely disregarding the mission at hand and the sick best friend at their hotel.

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