035: virus

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THEY WERE DEMANDING nagisa and kaede. The two smallest students in 3-E, both height and weight wise.

Mina, on the other hand, was one of the taller girls in their class. Around 5'5, only being beaten by Rio, kataoka, and yada. She wasn't anywhere near the shortest, so she wasn't anywhere near the attackers target either. One particular red-head couldn't help but feel relieved at that.

She didn't really know what to think when karasuma ended the anonymous call distressed, he grabbed Koro-sensei (who was screaming In panic) angrily before slamming him onto the nearest table. He was mad mad, and karasuma never showed his distress usually. The brunette didn't really feel as strong of a reaction, similar to everyone else.
Irina, on the other hand, was still dressed in her beautiful red dress. She wasn't angry, rather nonchalant as she took a big breath of smoke from her cigarette. She kept quiet.

The atmosphere was hectic, takebayashi had ordered okuda to help him aid the sick students while the others were trying to sort it out, also not freak out preferably.
Karma kept Mina from scurrying over to Rio in those painfully long 15 minutes, although the girl had let gone from his hand. He knew seeing her best friend cough her organs out wouldn't do any good.

Karma was one of the smartest kids in his school, but truth was: even he didn't know what to do.

A young woman came running onto the terrace, dressed in clothes of a government official. The students knew her from looking, she was next to karasuma whenever he got the government involved. Their representative.

"Karasuma! It doesn't help. Even when we ask in the name of the government, the hotel refuses to help us with the excuse of keeping their guests private." The distressed woman approached their PE teacher, a nervous look on her face.

"I see, we knew it.." karasuma had calm down by now, messaging his palm before cursing under his breath.

"Knew what?" Nagisa, who was standing next to Mina (while kaede got comforted by Yada) asked curiously. He was surprisingly settled, even though he was one of the people who's life was on the line.

Mina looked up from the ground, too, now, while shifting just a little closer to the red-head next to her. For comfort related reasons only, obviously.

"We've been suspecting this hotel to be involved in criminal activities for a while now, we've been investigating." Karasuma's voice quieted down.

"Alright, call me a virgin," Karmas matter of fact voice appeared from next to Mina, making her look up to see him staring at karasuma and the government lady while holding up his hands defensively. Why did karma Akabane look so pretty in the moonlight? "but maybe, just maybe, our government shouldn't have sent a class full of teenagers that are endangered anyway to a resort like this?"

Koro-sensei, who's ball head was still laying on the table from previously, finally spoke up "to be fair, karma-Kun, kunigikaoka has been sending students to this island for years. It would've been suspicious for them to change anything." Koro-sensei's voice was his usual cheerful one, his mood not seeming to be affected by this whatsoever.

"We can't do anything about that, then." Irina finalized spoke up, catching the attention of her students.
Karasuma's gaze was laid on her, for some reason. Glued onto her calm state.

"What are we gonna do, then?" Yoshida yelled desperately, holding his head "We're all going to die!"

His loud voice made mina want to hold her ears closed, shut her eyes. It was so infuriating, so bothering. Nerve-racking.

"Well, whatever that might be. We definitely CANNOT listen to their orders. They asked for the two smallest" terasaka started, rolling his eyes "that's these two dwarfs here!" He ended, hitting nagisa and kaede on Their head.

The brunette couldn't help but quietly laugh at that, which made her surrounding friends smile too.

Perhaps it might be that in the Seriousness of the situation, having something to look forward to eased them into the process. In this case, and that's what everyone present realised that moment, that thing was being able to laugh and joke with your classmates in the future.


Everyone on the terrace that day was on the same page for only once in their entire life.

No one was dying today.

Although they were on the same page, not one knew how to accomplish that result. Terasaka wanted to bring the sick students to a hospital, takebayashi thought it would be better to treat them here. Karasuma tried to come up with a way the government could still help, kaede and nagisa, as selfless as mina's two friends are, wanted to sacrifice themselves.

Silence overtook the usual cheerful students. No one knew what to say, frankly.
Maybe the odds would be in their favour if koro-sensei could still move, but that assassination of theirs just had to be so disgustingly good.

"I have a solution for this dilemma!" Koro-sensei interrupted their train of thoughts, smiling mischievously.
A loud beep down appeared from nagisa's phone, indicating ritsu wanting to say something.

"Koro-sensei, I have collected the data you needed from me!"

"Very well then. Everyone that is still healthy, meet around the table. Though, be sure to put on clothes that can get dirty."

Three black cars could be seen driving up the rocky mountain street up the hotel. The streets reflected the dim moonlight of that particular night, it being deep into the night now. Exiting he three government cars were all the students still healthy.

They were standing Infront of a at least 150 metres high mountain, revealing the hotel on top of it.

"Geez, that's tall.." Kimura mumbled under his breath, although pretty much everyone heard it due to the quiet night.

3-E had a plan- and they were NOT  going down without a fight.

The phones of those presents beeped again, and appearing on the screens was Ritsu in her previous summery outfit, holding up the animation of a map.

"I found the hotel's blueprint!" Mina looked on karma's phone rather than pulling out her phone. Even though they hadn't exchanged words in a while, she somehow knew that that would be okay.

She also knew that this would be fine, everything was going to be alright.

"There are countless guards placed infront of the entry and all around the hotel. So, normally, you'd have to get in by the main entrance. But if you climb up this mountain, you'll reach another entrance, a weak spot i found!" Ritsu proudly huffed, making the brunette smile slightly. She was now more motivated that down, and more determined to save her classmates that she ever was.

I will help you, Rio.

>>> Author's note

Prepare for a dramatical fit in the next couple of chapters 🙏

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1166 WORDS

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