001: teacher in disguise

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"WAIT YOU SERIOUSLY got transferred to the E-class?" hori looked over her daughter's shoulder while she fixed her hair with a few hair pins, clearly in a hurry.

"yes! I don't get it.. they say it's for 'undeniable reasons to protect the student body' and that the 'scholarship no longer has affects on the course and educational level'," mina read of the formal letter in her hands. She couldn't believe that she got, well, expelled? Transferred? Whatever the word is, it's ridiculous.

Mina's face dropped even further, thinking what her mother's answer might be, what her disappointed face might look like.

"hey," hori said gently as she noticed her daughters face "It's fine. I'm not mad at you, darling. I'm sure they just made a mistake and this is all a big misunderstanding. You're the smartest girl I know, okay?" she continued trying to cheer her daughter up, looking at herself in her small pocket mirror and fixing her work uniform quickly.

"And even if it's not. I bet your new classmates will be lovely, mhmkay?" she hummed, kissing her daughter on her head and making her way to the door.
"I have to go now, have a wonderful first day, and please don't be too sad about you transferring. You will work something out, I know it. You're my little girl After all." she yelled before closing the door behind her, hoping mina wouldn't be too sad on her first day.

Mina looked down at the letter over and over again after her mother left. it was like this was a dream. She didn't exactly despise the E-class, like the rest of the student body did.. including asano, Marie..
Maybe it would be enjoyable there, not too much pressure from the other students and time to refocus the goal of good grades and finals. Maybe, over time, she would get back into class A.
And maybe, if she had luck, asano would talk to his father so that she could stay in her club activities and keep her library card.
She had hope, at least a little. He seemed to enjoy her company, or so she thought.

Mina was so deep in thought that she stood there in shock as she noticed that she was 10 minutes late for the train. She had to walk, which would cost her even extra ten minutes.
It was horrible, her first day in the new class began with coming too late and she was sure that even students of the E-class didn't appreciate that.

She rushed to the front door, taking her schoolbag along on the way and quickly put on her classic black shoes before almost running out of the apartment.
She walked down a couple of stairs before turning right and walking down the street, seeing lady youko from a far Infront of her store enjoying the morning sun.

"hey sweetheart! Need a ride?" the old woman laughed at the panicking young girl, not with mean intentions, just out of amusement, while drinking a morning glass of white wine.

"No, uh, thanks lady youko! We can talk after school, sorry, I'm in a bit of a hurry!" mina rushed past her, almost stumbling over her own feet and making her open brown hair fly around in the Tokyo's wind.

She was exhausted by the time she ran up the hill to the isolated E-class building away from the main property.
She only has been here one time, and that was one her first day at kunogogaika junior high. She got lost, and the familiar orange-haired student counselor helped her find her class before she could walk up the whole hill.
If she had time to look around, she would notice that the building wasn't so bad at all. It had a few flowers and a beautiful green forest surrounding it. It had it's own charm, and was refreshing next to the sterile and modern main building.

She finally stopped at the wooden entrance to the property. It was pretty old, but you could still see the gold sign with the name 'Class 3-E' written on it over the door.
Mina opened the door, which made the bell over the door make a quiet jingling sound.
She quickly made her way to the open door of the classroom, passing a few toilets, a room with cleaning utensils and the teacher's lounge.

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