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Amelia was walking towards her encounter with Isaiah, her heart beating steadily as she neared the time and place where they had agreed to meet. She was nervous, unsure of how things were going to go, but she felt that this was something she needed to do. She stopped when she arrived at the Cut, spotting Isaiah sitting against a pillar while he smoked a cigarette.

Amelia watched him for a few seconds, absorbing his appearance and observing every detail. While on some level she felt a bit of trepidation and apprehension, she also couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and intrigue as she took him in.

Isaiah looked up and noticed her standing there, his gaze lingering on her for a moment as they locked eyes. He seemed to be studying her, taking in her appearance and taking his time to evaluate her as he watched her for a moment before finally breaking the tension with a small smile.

"You've come." He said, his tone indicating both surprise and a hint of amusement as he acknowledged her presence.

"Yeah. I've come." She settled down beside him, her tone remaining calm and straightforward as she expressed her presence. "I don't wish to be selfish, but I would like to ask you something." He nodded in acknowledgement, humming softly as he waited for her to continue. "I've seen you and Finn sniffing cocaine. I've seen how your moods improved after that." She cleared her throat, her tone indicating her intentions in a straightforward and unapologetic manner. "I want cocaine."

"So, you've been avoiding me for weeks and now you want to meet up with me just to ask me for snow?" Isaiah's response came with a sarcastic and ironic tone, but there was no denying the truth in his words.

"I can't ask for it from Finn. he wouldn't give it to me." Amelia replied, the logic behind her argument making total sense.

"And what makes you think that I would?" Isaiah returned the question with a frown. Amelia remained silent, her gaze shifting to her hands which rested on her lap as she avoided his gaze. "Look, it messes your head. The feeling you get when you do it is great, but it always comes with a price later on." Isaiah continued with a serious tone, his words now taking on a more solemn and cautionary tone.

"I don't care." Amelia argued adamantly, a note of frustration now filling her voice as she spoke. "I've gone days without sleep, I've gone days without being able to smile!"

"And you think this will help you sleep?" Isaiah responded with a scoff, but the concern and seriousness behind his words betrayed his casual indifference. "I know that John's death-"

"No." Amelia cut him off before he could continue.

"I know that John's death hurts you, but you can't rely on snow to get you through the pain." Isaiah finished what he had started, his tone serious as he expressed his concern for her. "It feels great at first, but eventually, you're gonna need more and more of it."

"So what?" Amelia replied, her tone indicating a careless disregard for the dangers and the risks, a mentality that was only possible if she truly felt that nothing else could ease her pain.

"It's gonna destroy you." Isaiah's words were firm and direct, carrying with them a warning that he knew she was likely ignoring right now. Amelia scoffed, wiping away a treacherous tear as she tried to maintain her calm and indifferent expression even as her emotions and thoughts began to overwhelm her.

"I'm a fucking mess." Amelia finally broke her stoic facade, her words coming out in a low and slightly broken voice. "I can't keep thinking. I can't keep suffering over John." Amelia spoke truthfully, her words breaking through the walls she had tried to build. "I need the snow, Isaiah."

"I'm not gonna give you anything, Amelia." Isaiah responded with a shake of his head, his tone firm and decisive, but he couldn't deny the concern that was present in his words. "You're strong, you're gonna get through this. But if you get into that crap, it's a path that you can't come back from."

THE DARKNESS WITHIN - Peaky BlindersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang