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A quiet murmuring and conversation between the crowd of attendees echoed around the courtyard, as people gathered to witness the opening ceremony of Grace Shelby Institute.

Amelia had been unable to wipe the smile off her face since that intimate moment with Isaiah. The two of them had repeated the intimate encounter many times since, each time only strengthening their bond and deepening their connection.

Amelia couldn't help but sneak a smile at Isaiah from time to time, the boy returning it with one of his own. The small smiles and glances between the two of them had become an integral part of their relationship, and they had become a silent and intimate language all their own.

She stood alongside her brother, her hands clasped politely in front of her as she smiled for the photographer. She felt a sense of pride and relief being in this moment, and the smile on her face was genuine and heartfelt.

The family entered the Institute, and Amelia held her niece Katie's hand as they made their way inside. They were met by a crowd of people who were already gathered there, many of them also having brought their family members with them.

They sat down together, watching their aunt Polly as she stepped up on stage and adjusted the microphone before she began to speak.

"Welcome to the opening of the Grace Shelby Institute for non-insured children of the poor. I would very much like you to join me in thanking the man that made the founding of this establishment actually possible. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Thomas Shelby." Polly's words drew a round of applause from the room full of attendees. The crowd looked on as the man in question, Tommy, took to the stage, his presence drawing the attention of everyone present.

"Speech! Come on, speech! Say it, Tom. Say it to 'em!" Arthur shouted out, encouraging Thomas to say something. The crowd started cheering as well, yelling out and urging him to speak.

"Erm, I didn't come here today to make a speech, but I will say this. These children are now safe. In our care, they will be safe. Because we are from the same cold streets as they are. And in our care, they won't be shipped away to the colonies, or separated from kin, or made to work for men in their various ways. They will grow up here, at home... loved... in Birmingham." Tommy started speaking, the crowd of attendees falling quiet as they listened to his words. "Because this is our city."

"By order of the Peaky Blinders." Arthur shouted out, the crowd bursting into applause as Thomas stepped down from the stage. The family cheered and whistled, expressing their approval for the powerful words that their beloved had spoken.

"Now let us sing Immortal, Invisible." Polly and the rest of the people in attendance began to sing the song, their voices rising up in a powerful and poignant anthem.


Amelia stood alongside John and Arthur, the three of them laughing as they watched John's children dancing even though there was no music playing. Tommy approached the three of them, the playful smiles and laughter vanishing as they grew serious.

"We just spoke to Johnny Dogs. He said the tunnel's hit heavy clay." Amelia whispered quietly.

"It's slowing him down." John confirmed softly, his tone ominous and grim.

"How long?" Tommy asked, his voice tinged with calm.

"Two days before they hit the wall." Amelia spoke quietly, her voice still barely a whisper as she looked up at the men.

"Tell him to dig a sinkhole to drain the clay." Tommy ordered in a quiet but authoritative tone.

"He's asked if you could go down and have a look yourself, Tom." Amelia said calmly, her tone hinting at the seriousness of the situation.

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