Chapter Five: Princess Andromeda

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(The Sea of Monsters pg 119-136)

Once we reached the massive cruise ship Hermes had suggested, sneaking on board was surprisingly easy. We found a place to rest for the night and even though the ship seemed odd, none of us could pinpoint the problem. It probably wasn't wise to split up, but I did not want Percy to ask me about my stupid dreams or sleep in the same room as a cyclops. So, I went into the room next to theirs and as I fell asleep the dream started once more.

Luke and Thalia fighting, Luke smacking her shield out of the way, gaining the upper hand and plunging my dagger into her heart.

"NOOO!" I screamed in agony.

"We could have fought together," Luke told Thalia as she dropped to her knees, "I'm sorry it had to come to this." She collapsed and the light left her eyes.

I was sobbing and straining, trying to do anything I could to stop Luke but now it was too late. Thalia was gone and Luke turned towards me. He smiled in a way he had never smiled at me before. It was a wicked grin showing me that if I didn't do what he said I was going to be next.

As he walked towards me a chill swept over the hill and everything froze. Time itself had stopped and I felt a heavy, powerful presence creeping through my mind. A voice like sandpaper laughed quietly all around us. A figure appeared beside Luke, clearly powerful but made of only mist and shadow. The shadow merged with Luke's and consumed him till they were melded together. As much as I had hated watching Luke kill Thalia this was worse, much worse.

I can give you everything you ever wanted, Kronos whispered. Together we can bring back Thalia, reunite your little family. Everything you see here, it's all the fault of the gods. They are ruining the world. You could stop it if you wanted to, with my help.

"No," I managed to say quietly but Kronos just laughed and ignored me. Everyone on the hillside was listening, drinking in his every word. I couldn't stop them from listening or explain why he was wrong. The one word I had uttered took all my energy and straining against the power of Kronos was almost enough to make me pass out.

Can't you imagine a world without them? If you work with me, I will make you strong, powerful, revered. Your little family can rule the world at my side. As Kronos spoke, Luke's anger melted.

"Could you bring Thalia back?" Luke asked, as though he hadn't been the one to kill her moments before.

We can bring her back. Together. We can tear the gods from their thrones, destroy their temples, brick by brick. Your father would have to notice you, even bow before you.

"Please, Luke," I managed to whisper. "Please don't do this."

The world the gods built, the one your camp works so hard to preserve, is rotten. It is broken and must be torn down to build a better world. Your father was never there, he will never be there, he doesn't care.

Luke looked scared and confused. It was strange to see him this way. He seemed just as powerless as I was, but his emotions clouded his judgment and Kronos knew this. I wanted to find a way to stop this, to help my friend but I could only watch. As Luke started to nod and accept Kronos' plan his cold sneer returned.

Luke turned back toward me as the power of Kronos receded and he stepped over Thalia's body as though it wasn't of any importance. He was once again angry, cold, and calculating. He gestured to Thalia and asked, "Do you really want to be the next to fall?"

I woke up as the ship's whistle blew, piercing my ears and pulling me out of the dream. The captain came on over the intercom and I heard him say something that sounded like, 'disemboweling practice.' As I sat up, I realized I was shaking and crying. I tried to pull myself together and focus on what I could control. I thought about what I had heard over the intercom and how the ship had seemed deserted last night. Disemboweling practice didn't seem like a standard cruise activity.

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