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Back at the roof, Kate stands next to Rick as they look over the city

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Back at the roof, Kate stands next to Rick as they look over the city. "That construction site, those trucks... They always keep keys on hand."

Kate hummed "You'll never make it past the walkers." she points out.

Rick frowned, looking down to her. "You got me out of that tank."

"Yeah, but they were feeding. They were distracted." Glenn reminded him, coming up to lean on the wall beside them.

Rick was quiet a moment before asking "Can we distract them again?"

Merle, who was still handcuffed on the floor began calling out to them. "Right. Listen to him. He's onto something. A diversion, like on 'Hogan's Heroes.'"

Kate rolled her eyes, ready to feed him to the walkers before Jacqui stepped in. "God, give it a rest."

Turning back to the conversation everyone tried to block Merle out. "They're drawn by sound right?" Rick asked.

Glenn nodded, "Right yeah, like dogs. They hear a sound, they come."

"What else?"

Morales stepped up. "Aside from they hear you? They see you, smell you and if they catch you, they eat you."

Kate crossed her arms, leaning into Glenn as Rick raised an eyebrow. "They can tell us by smell?"

"You can't? They smell dead, we don't. It's pretty distinct." Andrea told him.

Rick nods, a look on his face that Kate is sure means bad news.


Now stood in the store, Kate begins shaking her head. "This is a bad idea." she says crossing her arms as she stands by Andrea, who instantly agrees with her.

Glenn looks straight at her. "If bad ideas were an Olympic event, this would take the gold." he mutters, looking back down to the walker in the middle of the floor.

"He's right. Just stop, okay? Take some time to think this through." Morales tries telling them, hoping for a moment the pair would reconsider.

" How much time? They already got through one set of doors, that glass won't hold forever." Rick argues. As much as she hates whats about to happen, Kate can't help but agree with him. If they don't get out soon, they're all going to die. Rick lifts the axe up, ready to take a swipe before stopping himself. He passes the axe to Kate before searching the walkers jacket, taking out his wallet . "Wayne Dunlap. Georgia license. Born in 1979. He had $28 in his pocket when he died...And a picture of a pretty girl. "With love, from Rachel." He used to be like us... Worrying about bills or the rent or the Super Bowl. If I ever find my family, I'm gonna tell them about Wayne." He declares, after a moment of silence Glenn clears his throat.

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