Chapter 10

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Jamie's P.O.V

My alarm went off at 7.00 in the morning. I sighed and got up, knowing that I had to leave.

Y|n was sleeping peacefuly behind me. I looked at her and smiled before entering in the bathroom.

I showered and changed my clothes before texting Ellie:

-You ready?

-Yeah, you?

-Yeah...You can wait in the car with the girls. I'll be there in 10.


I walked over to the bed and whispered:

-Y|n, wake up, baby.

After she stayed up crying for 3 hours last night, I promised her I would wake her up before leaving.

She slowly opened her eyes and sat up. She looked at me and hugged me, her head in my chest. I rubbed her back and she said:

-I don't want you to leave me...

I kissed her head.

-I know, beautiful, I don't want either...But I'll be back before you know it.

-I want to come with you...I can hide in your luggage, so no one would know.

I laughed and kissed her.

-I love that idea...But you know we can't.

She smiled.

-I know...

She kissed me and I kissed back before saying:

-I have to go now, beautiful...


She let go of me and I kissed her head before leaving.

I got in the car and Saskia asked:

-How is she?

I shrugged.

-Tired...Last night it took me 3 hours to put her to sleep.

She nodded and Ellie asked:

-You told her we will be back as soon as we can right?

-Yeah, but her separation anxiety doesn't help.

She sighed.

4 hours later, I entered in my hotel room. I called Y|n but she didn't answer so I texted her:

-You asleep, baby?

-No but I was in the bathroom and didn't heard the phone. Can we FaceTime later?


-I love you!

-Love you too, beautiful.

I organized my things and laid in bed, to work on the tablet.

I got ready for bed and recived a call from Y|n. I answered:

-Hey, babe!

Something was off. I could tell by her voice.

-Hi, beautiful...What are you doing?

-Nothing much. Just got ready to sleep. How was the trip?

-Good...We just arrived when Anastasia dragged Ellie to the shop with her.

She chuckled and I smiled. I wish I was there to kiss her.

-How many meetings will they participate to?

-Five. But you know Anastasia: she thinks she needs a new dress for every meeting.

-And you know Ellie: She hates dresses.


After a few seconds of silence she said:

-I think I should go to sleep now.


-Can we FaceTime?

-Of course, baby.

I turned on my camera and so did she.

-Baby, your camera is facing the ceiling...

-Yeah, I know. Wait a minute.

She positioned the camera so I was seeing her.

-There. Better?

-Much better.

She smiled and laid in bed covering herself with the blanket.

I smiled and took my tablet to do some reports.

-You are not going to sleep?

-Not right now. I have to finish these first.

-Mmm...Ok. Good night, babe.

-Night, baby.

She smiled at me and I smiled back. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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