Chapter 8

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Jamie's P.O.V:

The next days were odd for me and Y|n. She allowed me to touch her, to kiss her but never talked to me. It looked like she was trying to figure something out but I didn't know what.

At lunch, she was sitting with her friends while I was sitting with our friends group. Saskia asked me:

-She knows?

I shook my head.

-I don't know how to tell her.

She nodded and said:

-I can come with you when you tell her if you want...

-Of course. But first I need to talk to her.

-Sure! Take your time. Just let me know when you want to do it.

I nodded and we finished our lunch, heading to our next period.

I saw Y|n getting out of the classroom and, knowing her schedule, that was her last period for the day.

I walked over to her, taking her hand and leading her to our room. We sat on the bed and I said:

-I know what you're probably wondering. And, to answer your question: yes. I was with someone else before. A few years ago. We weren't of legal age when we did it the first time but we both wanted it, so...It just happened.

She took in my words and nodded.

-Tonight, I want you to meet her.

She looked at me.

-She will answer the rest of your questions.

I kissed her forehead and got out of the room.

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