Chapter 4

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Jamie's P.O.V.

I entered in our room and sighed. I wish I was allowed to stay with Y|n but the doctor said she needs rest. I told her to facetime me when she wants to go to sleep. I took a shower and changed my clothes. I laid down in our bed and turned on the TV. I was watching our favourite show when my phone buzzed. I answered and Y|n's face appeared on the screen. My smile faded as soon as I saw she was crying.

-Why are you crying, baby?

-Jamie...I don't want to stay here alone...I want to sleep next to you!

I sighed and tried to hold my tears.

-I know, baby. I wish you were here...

-I don't like this place...It's giving me nightmares! And they said that tommorow they have to give me 3 injections!

Y|n hates injections. A few years ago, in our first year at Rosewwod, they gave us all a injection for the flu. Y|n trowed a big tantrum and we had to hold her down so the nurse could inject her.

-Don't worry, baby. Tommorow when you wake up I'll be right there, yeah?

She sniffled.

-You promise?

I smiled and nodded.

-I promise, beautiful.

She nodded and sighed.

-I want cuddles.

She pouted and I chuckled. She was so cute!

-When you'll be out of the hospital I'll give you cuddles whenever you want.



She smiled.

-Now lay down in bed and close your eyes. Imagine that I'm there.

She did as I asked and I did the same. 

After 10 minutes I thoght she was asleep when she said:

-I love you...

I smiled.

-I love you too, baby.

She smiled and closed her eyes again. 

After a few minutes, we both falled asleep.

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