Chapter 13

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Y|n's P.O.V.

I was watching Elite on Netflix when Jamie texted me:

-Hey, beautiful! Did you find your pills yet?

-Hey! No, I can't find them...

-I'm sure they're in one of the drawers.

-Yeah, I'll look for them later. How's work?

-Boring...I can't wait to come back to you. I love you!

I smiled.

-Love you too!

I finished the episode and started to look for my pills. 

I started from our shared desk but nothing was there so I walked over to my nightstand and searched the drawers but again, nothing. I sighed and was about to give up but decided to search them in Jamie's nightstand too. I opened the first drawer and, to my surprise, I found them. 

I tried to remember how they ended up there but nothing came in my mind so I texted Jamie:

-I found them, babe.

-Where were they?

-In the first drawer of your nightstand. Do you know how they ended up there?

After two minutes he answered:

-The night before I left I gave you a pill because you were having an anxiety attack, remember?

-Oh, yes!

-I forgot to put them back in your backpack so I put them on my nightstand. But I don't remember how they ended up in the drawer.

-Doesn't matter anymore. Good thing I found them.

-Yeah. I have to go now...I'll facetime you later, ok?


I put the phone on the nightstand and laid down closing my eyes for a second. 

Or so I thought.

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