[Ch 2, Act 6] The uprising.

Start from the beginning

"Gotcha!" — Sumiko joyfully said as the girl squirmed around, trying to run away, as she tries to hit Sumiko on the face.

"N-No!! Let me go!!! I don't want to go to jail!!" — The girl screamed, as she continued to squirm.

"C-Calm down, I'm not gonna put you in jail! I just need to ask some questions!" — Sumiko replied as she dodges the fists of the girl.

The girl eventually calms down, and gives in to Sumiko

"That's a good girl... There there... May I ask what your name is?" — Sumiko asked, as Inzagi puts the knocked out children down on the ground.

"M-My name is... Akuma.." — The girl said, in a shy tone

"Akuma..? As in, devil..?" — Sumiko hesitantly asked.

The girl maniacally laughed, as she scratched and twisted her head. Sumiko was startled and lets go of the girl. However, the girl continued to laugh maniacally, as Inzagi notices a red light beeping on the back of the knocked out children's neck.

Inzagi immediately realizes what situation they were in, as he swiftly runs to Sumiko, to push her away.

"SUMIKO, GET DOW—" — Inzagi pushes Sumiko away, as Inzagi gets caught in the flames of the explosion, as Sumiko gets blown away from the explosion.

Sumiko screamed out Inzagi's name in disbelief, as she scurried back to Inzagi, after getting blasted off. Her legs were badly injured from the explosion and the landing, but she continued to run in a stumbly way.

Sumiko teared up as she was filled with worry, for Inzagi. However, Inzagi was seen kneeling on the ground, taking the explosion like it was nothing. Inzagi stands up and hugs Sumiko tightly.

The explosion sets an alarm for the other elites, as a green portal opens, the four ladies going through it, with their weapons ready.

"I-It's alright guys—" — Sumiko stated, as she hugged Inzagi

"What happened, Sumi?! Are you two okay?!" — Ruru asked, filled with worry, as the four ran to Sumiko and Inzagi, checking their injuries

"Something sinister happened... It didn't feel real at all..." — Inzagi replied as the four were concerned.

Sumiko looks at Inzagi concerned, telling Hecate to heal Inzagi immediately

"P-Please, lady Hecate... Heal Inzagi immediately! He was consumed by the flames of the explosion..." — Sumiko teared up, as Hecate immediately tapped her staff onto the ground, releasing a green light into Inzagi's body, readjusting his bones back, putting Inzagi's blood pressure back to normal.

Sumiko coughs, as Hecate heals Sumiko as well

"What happened, to you two? At such an early time, too..." — Ruru asks Inzagi, as her eyes are filled with concern.

"There was a guy, in the middle of the streets, just a block away from here... His face was burnt to a crisp, like lady Syu's... Then, this girl, implied that she knew what happened... But, when Sumiko ordered everyone to be interrogated, the girl panicked and ran..."

"Then... When we caught the girl, her two 'friends' began to make a beeping noise, as a red light was beeping through their skin... I knew it was a bomb, when the situation was so pressured... When the beeping was happening, the girl who ran just- began laughing and scratching her face, in such a sinister way..." — Inzagi explained to Ruru, as the four ladies sighed

"I pushed Sumiko away, thinking I was done for... But, the armor she gave me saved me, it blocked all the flames, besides my face... But, luckily, I was able to cover my face with my hands, blocking the flame from my face..." — Inzagi explained, as he trembled in an unsettled behaviour, not being able to forget the behaviour of the child.

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