'My Diamond'

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I'm starting to know my way around the school more after moving between classes for the last two days. I've been studying my timetable, trying to get it memorised so that I don't have to carry the piece of parchment with me all day, every day. I notice that I only have a one day gap in between each combat class, which means I get to meet my mentor tomorrow morning.

Just thinking about this meeting, I can feel the nerves grow and bubble inside of me, so naturally I've been shoving the thoughts deep down inside my mind and ignoring them as much as possible

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Just thinking about this meeting, I can feel the nerves grow and bubble inside of me, so naturally I've been shoving the thoughts deep down inside my mind and ignoring them as much as possible.

After lunch on Monday and during the day Tuesday, I was able to experience my first classes in History, Botany and Fae Charms which ended up being a lot less terrifying than I initially thought. I was super engaged in learning about Fraelia's history, Fae Charms and in Botany about different plant species in this world that you can't find in Mundara. More importantly than all of that, I've managed to avoid Astraea for the last two days, excluding the small encounter in Miss Ilayda's office the day of my ranking. After seeing how happy my diamond combat ranking made her on Monday, it's been harder and harder to try and come to terms with forgiving her.


My class in Fae Charms ends early after one of the kids blasts themselves across the room and our teacher has to leave us to escort him to the hospital building, so I come back to my room to study for a while before heading to dinner. Molly invited me to go shopping with her and a few other friends from our class, but I really needed to catch up on my Fraelian history knowledge... With my head practically drowning in my history book it takes me a while to notice the soft knocking at my door. I stop biting the top of my pen, place it on the desk, slowly walking over to the door. Every time I sleep, I'm still being met with the same reoccurring demon dreams, leaving me sleep deprived and extremely paranoid. My heart pounding in my throat, I carefully twist the knob, just waiting to be met with another demon version of my sister.

My heart rate settles and my breathing steadies as I'm met with my elegant principle. "Hello my diamond." Her face beams in the light of my candles and I will truly never understand how she always looks so put together, never even a hair out of place. She stands before me in her staple long flowing green dress, and long dark red and grey hair that frames her face immaculately.

I let a soft smile form as my body fully settles."Hello Miss Ilayda, please come in." I move to the side to allow her room to walk past me. "I'm sorry I don't have tea and biscuits like you have in your office to offer you."

Miss Ilayda chuckles and turns to face me, sitting at my study desk and examining my history textbook that remains open. "You are too kind my diamond." Brushing her fingers lightly over the pages, she picks up the pen on my desk and her eyes flick to the bite marks on the top. "Is our history class making you frustrated dear?"

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