Saint Lishmere

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I woke up the next morning disappointed that my sleep brought no dreams to help me feel comfort in my decision, but after telling my parents about my decision to go to Saint Lishmere the rest of the week moved by so quickly and before I knew it, I was packing. All week I haven't stopped thinking about what to expect when I get there, and I can't imagine that it will be anything like my small town of Agnes Lake. I have spent all week trying to convince Parker that this is the best decision and that he will be ok, but he isn't happy with me. He has still been coming over every afternoon with any schoolwork I've been missing and forces me to complete it with him, even though I'm not coming back to face Mrs Turner or have any need to impress anyone at that school anymore.

Dad ran me through the logistics of my travel to my new boarding school; everyone will drive me to the train station where we will say our goodbye's, I'll catch a train from here to the city of Lishmere and if dad's right the school will be hard to miss from there. He was so vague about what I need to do when I get there and even after my constant pleading with him for more information he just kept answering me with the same thing,

"Þú munt vita hvað þú átt að gera og hvar á að fara stríðsmaður minn, treysta eðlishvöt þinni." (You will know what to do and where to go my warrior, trust your instincts).

Thinking about doing this all on my own makes me feel sick. I am an independent person and I'm not worried about getting mugged, attacked, or kidnapped on my travels but I've never not had my family ready at hand to back me up at any point of my life. My head feels full with all these thoughts but there is one thing I have noticed that's missing... I haven't heard that weird voice in my head all week since the night I had to decide whether I would stay in Agnes Lake or move. I've been wracking my brain all week trying to figure out whether I know the voice from someone I know now or knew in the past but so far, I'm coming up with nothing... It sounds familiar but I can't put a face to it or even a name and it's driving me crazy! Oddly, I'm not scared of it, when I heard it that night, I almost felt a sense of warmth and guidance... like it was trying to help me make my decision, but also advise me on how my family and friends will cope with me not around.

"Penny for your thoughts?" a deep voice softly says from behind me.

Turning around I see the broad frame of Parker leaning up against my door frame at the entrance of my room.

I can't help but smile... I was a little worried that his anger at my decision would make him not come today but I'm glad that he did decide to say goodbye.

" You stalking me now?" I say placing the last of my possessions into my trunk and folding my arms over my chest.

I can see his cheeks blushing a little as he studies my eyes, "who wouldn't want to stalk you, Bailey Madison? Your dad called me from across the field and told me you were about to head off, so I thought I'd come and say my goodbyes."

My face softens and while I love joking with Parker, this doesn't feel funny anymore. I have never had to experience a single day in my life without seeing him and now I'm moving to a place I don't know a single thing about... without him.

Pushing himself off the doorframe, Parker makes his way over to me and holds out a small pouch that looks so delicate in his strong, callused hands.

I'm not very good at dealing with emotional situations and I can't help but let a joke slip, "Don't tell me you have waited until I leave this town to propose to me Davidson!"

Immediately Parkers eyes meet mine and he shakes his head with a big smirk planted across his face and the pink on his cheeks growing warmer, "You think so little of me Miss Madison, it's just a keepsake for now," he says with a small wink in my direction.

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