Chapter 13: The Cursed Wedding Dress

Start from the beginning

"The mention of Shi Hun changed the master's facial expression, did you see that?" Li Lianhua said, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Di Feisheng nodded, his own expression reflecting concern. "Yes, it did. There's more to this that meets the eye," he replied, his voice low and cautious.

"I'll investigate Shi Hun's connection further. You two can focus on solving the bride case, which doesn't interest me," Di Feisheng declared before quietly slipping away to explore the rooms in secret.

Fang Duobing heard them talk about an unknown person, Shi Hun but didn't care to know more. When Li Lianhua tried to explain, Fang Duobing got all mad and jealous for no reason. 

"I don't wanna hear about your stuff," he grumbled, storming off. Li Lianhua didn't know what to say, so he just sighed and followed Fang Duobing, feeling confused but amused by the whole situation.

They halted at the front of the lotus pond, both of them scanning the area for any signs of oddity. Fang Duobing, his brows furrowed in suspicion, voiced his belief that there might be something lurking beneath the tranquil surface of the pond, the perfect hiding spot.

Li Lianhua nodded thoughtfully. "You might be onto something there," he agreed, casting a curious glance at the shimmering water.

As they discussed their theories, Fang Duobing pointed out, "Have you noticed the color of these lotuses? It's unlike any I've seen before."

Li Lianhua observed them closely. "Indeed, they're quite unique. I wonder what could be the reason behind their distinct hue," he mused aloud, his mind whirring with possibilities.

Fang Duobing shrugged, his expression reflective. "Who knows? Maybe there's a secret ingredient in the water that gives them this color," he suggested, half-jokingly.

Li Lianhua chuckled. "Or perhaps they've been enchanted by a mischievous spirit," he replied, equally amused by the idea.

"For now, let's check the body of the deceased," Li Lianhua suggested, and together they made their way towards the body to continue their investigation.

Li Lianhua and Fang Duobing knelt beside the body of the deceased, carefully examining it for any signs of injury. They noticed distinct marks on the hand and neck, prompting them to exchange concerned glances.

Fang Duobing furrowed his brow, studying the wounds intently. "Looks like there are injuries here," he remarked, pointing to the bruising on the hand. "And here on the neck as well," he added, gesturing to the marks.

Li Lianhua nodded, his expression grave. "Yes, it appears so. These injuries seem deliberate," he observed, his voice tinged with apprehension.

As they continued their examination, a sense of unease settled over them. "Do you think these injuries are related to the deaths of the brides?" Fang Duobing wondered aloud, his tone filled with uncertainty.

As they examined the body, the sudden arrival of the master's son interrupted their investigation. Fang Duobing, quick on his feet, concocted a clever ruse. "Hold on," he exclaimed, feigning urgency. "You see, Li Lianhua here is a psychic. The deceased came to him in a dream, pleading for justice to be served on her behalf."

The master's son was naive and easily swayed by Fang Duobing's words, hesitated. "Is that true?" he asked, turning to Li Lianhua with wide eyes.

Li Lianhua, caught off guard by Fang Duobing's deception, nodded earnestly. "Yes. I swear it's true," he replied, playing along with the charade.

With a look of uncertainty, the prince reluctantly acquiesced. "Very well, if the deceased has spoken to you, then I suppose you must see this through," he conceded, before turning and leaving them to continue their investigation.

"You know, you're more of a trickster than I am," Li Lianhua quipped, giving Fang Duobing a playful wink. "I'll have to step up my game to keep up with you."

As they were deep in conversation, a folded paper came hurtling towards Li Lianhua. Fang Duobing, quick as a flash, intercepted it before it could reach its intended target.

With a curious glance, Fang Duobing unfolded the paper, revealing intricate calligraphy written by none other than Shi Hun.

Li Lianhua's eyes widened in recognition as he examined the writing on the parchment. "Shi Hun's handwriting," he muttered, his voice filled with surprise. It was evident that the master of the manor was hiding something crucial, but they knew coaxing the truth out of him would be no easy task.

In a moment of frustration, Di Feisheng clenched his fists, his resolve hardening. "I'll beat the truth out of him if I have to," he declared, his voice edged with determination.

However, Li Lianhua quickly intervened, placing a restraining hand on Di Feisheng's shoulder. "Violence won't solve anything," he cautioned, his tone firm yet gentle. "We need to approach this with caution and patience. There may be other ways to uncover the truth without resorting to force."

"I'll go examine that cursed wedding dress. Maybe I can uncover more details," Fang Duobing  declared, his tone resolute.

Li Lianhua couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt as he watched Fang Duobing prepare to leave. He knew that Fang Duobing was feeling left out, excluded from their conversation about Shi Hun, a topic that seemed to occupy their thoughts more and more.

As Fang Duobing made his way towards the door, Li Lianhua called out to him, his voice tinged with regret. "Fang Duobing, wait," he said, a hint of apology in his tone. "I didn't mean to leave you out of the discussion. Your insights are valuable to us."

Fang Duobing paused, turning back to look at Li Lianhua with a stern face, "I don't care." he replied, his tone reassuring.

As Li Lianhua and Di Feisheng chatted, Di Feisheng leaned in, his expression serious. "You know, Li Lianhua, I think Fang Duobing might be getting a tad jealous lately," he whispered, wiggling his eyebrows for emphasis.

Li Lianhua nearly choked on his tea. "Jealous? Fang Duobing?" he sputtered, trying to contain his laughter. "What on earth would he be jealous of?"

Di Feisheng shrugged dramatically, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Perhaps he's jealous of my impeccable detective skills," he suggested, unable to keep a straight face.

Li Lianhua burst into laughter. "Or maybe he's just jealous of my fabulous spying skills."

To be continued...

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