05 | Second meet

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Wongsein: mom I'm going bye.
Nancy: did u took ur lunch box
Wongsein: ya mom,
Nancy: ok bye take care
(Wongsein went for her work, there she met with shajo)
Wongsein: hey
Shajo: hi Wong sein, did u had ur breakfast 🍳.
Wongsein: Haan letz goo....
(They both engaged with there chores)
(Yangzoo was pissed off , he even doesn't wanted to get out of his room, his anger may take someone's life again, it seems to be like he was is very bad mood for no reasons, but still he got out of his room & rushed outside, that girl thought making him disturb, thinking abt him, randomly walking on the path, he wanted that girl to meet again but he don't know who is she, what is she exactly)


(Shajo came to wowo)
Wongsein: did u completed ur work.
Shajo: I'm stressed letz take a break.
Wongsein: wait for a while, I have a Lil work.
Shajo: come on yaar...
Wongsein: itz already done.
(Worked in system, turned off the system and stood up)
Wongsein: Haan let's go.
Shajo: let's go to cafe, itz already a time for lunch, what will you say
Wongsein: as u say my master.
Shajo: ok thn letz go there itself, tdy even I didn't brought a lunch..
(They both went for cafe, shajo ordered a rice ball 🍙 for her, looking towards Wongsein)
Shajo: what will u order wow
(But she didn't listen, she is lost in some thoughts, her eyes with lots of questions, a smile on her lips, she is blushing.. shajo looking towards Wongsein in questioning expression)
Shajo: wowo where are u lost, are you ok, what's the matter ur blushing like anything, o o ....
Wongsein: i don't know what nd all happening with me, the thing I can say that is I'm not in my control, I don't know what's wrong with me heart.
Shajo: wowo are you in love.
Wongsein: love, is this is a feeling of love
Shajo: who's that guy...(In existing voice)
Wongsein: I don't know anything abt him.
Shajo: take ur own time I'm always here to listen the good news
(The meal came, they both had there meal with lots of gossips, in this she narrated that incident with her crush(yangzoo))
Shajo: wow it seems to be very romantic, I just love this type of love stories.
Wongsein: I wish I could meet him again...
Shajo: May ur wish get fulfilled, wait I'll be back in nxt 20 min don't go anywhere stay here and wait for me
Wongsein: ok
Some moments later
(Yangzoo wanted to see that girl again in search of her he came to the cafe there he saw that girl sitting on table, he was going near, shajo came to wowo, both went from there, yangzoo eagerly followed them to meet Wongsein, his heart beats running away, he can't control his emotions, he doesn't know what was happening with him he wanted to meet wowo and clarify this feeling....shajo took a stop)
Wongsein: what happened, why u are stopped.
Shajo: I have to go urgently, excuse me (she went for washroom)
(Yangzoo came there, as the moment Wongsein saw yangzoo, her heart stucked off, the breath deeper, her eyes widen. Yangzoo came near to Wongsein)
Wongsein: excuse me why are u coming much closer to me.
Yangzoo: ushhhh
He came very much closer to Wongsein with a hot breath the fast running heart beats, by touching her cheeks from his hand...
Yangzoo: who are u exactly, why are u dragging me towards you.
(he is very closer to her, itz almost the moment of kiss)
Wongsein: whhhh
Yangzoo: ushhh....
Wongsein  (my voice stopped, my words stucked in my mouth, my heart beats became faster, his hot pleased breath make my breath hold, I'm drowning in his eyes, a silence for a moment, we almost near to have our kiss, a voice came.....)
(Shajo saw them both much closer nd make a sound) : Hmmm....
(wongsein distracted, at that moment he realized that they were almost to have kiss, she pushed yangzoo backwards)
Wongsein: I'm sorry, excuse me....
(she ran away from there shajo followed her, her breath holds very hard)
Shajo: Hmmm, what i saw there i can't believe my eyes, is this true wowo, I my goodness itz too existing when all this happened.
Wongsein: I have to go home... (she ran away from that place and went to home)
Nancy: you are back...
Wongsein: mom I'm going to my room don't disturb me and I don't want my dnr too, I want space.
(she went to her room, that moment coming in front of her eyes)
What has happening why I'm unable to control my feeling, I almost near to kiss him, oh my goodness, what is this happening with me...
(her mood clicked, he doesn't have control on her feeling's thinking about that guy she slept)
( A night mare: yangzoo and wongsein had there first kiss and yangzoo proposed her.)

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