RusAme | Russia x America|

17 0 0

Ohhh man. That's a BIG BOY.

Well, today's relationships are absolutely awful and it's possible we are close to potential war so...

I won't say it's AS BAD as RusUkr, but very again. Age diffrence. I have a feeling fandom does not care about it at all.

Hear me out: I've read AMAZING fanfictions about the two, I've seen beautiful art and watched awsome animations (OnyxCrow queen of this fandom, queen of my heart), but the ship itself isn't that good.

Well, I guess it's debatable. You can wither love it or hate it, but I'm still choosing.

My headcanon: 2/10

Fandom: 8/10 |-10000/10

I. Don't. Know. Okay? It's difficult.

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