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The shaman sighed softly as he watched Jisoo lean against his husband. "More nightmares?" She asked, smiling softly as Minghao brought tea for them. "They got worse," Seokmin said, wrapping his arm around his lover's waist. "How worse?" Hyemi asked, looking directly at Jisoo who sighed and pulled out drawings he made. "Is this at a big event?" She asked, carefully looking at the drawings and noticing how each one had a woman there.

"I think so," Jisoo muttered, closing his eyes as he was starting to get a headache from lack of sleep. "Your majesty, you have an older sister, correct?" Hyemi asked, setting aside the drawings and taking the tea to drink. "Correct," Seokmin responded, noticing the confused look that both his husband and best friend gave him. "She was banished when Wonwoo and I were five after I told my parents that she was trying to seduce a guard," He started gently rubbing his husband's hand.

"But she was also banished because she started doing some type of black magic," Seokmin told them, turning to look at his husband who had played with his hands. "Hm...Minghao do you know what's going on today?" Hyemi asked, turning to face the young omega male who nodded. "There's a party today to celebrate Mingyu and Wonwoo being engaged," Minghao said, smiling as he then turned to face the married couple.

The shaman nodded as she then turned back to the couple and had a serious look. "Be on the lookout, from how I see this your sister will appear to crash the party." She warned, watching as the alpha nodded and held his lover tightly. "She's strong so be careful," Hyemi said, sighing as she then looked back to the older omega whose eyes turned to a golden color. "His eyes," Minghao said, capturing Seokmin's attention.

Jisoo blinked again before looking back at his husband. "She's nearby," Hyemi said, as she then got up and looked out the window. "It's best if you leave now so that she won't be able to see you three." She told them, watching as the boys cleaned up quickly and bowed before leaving.

"Nearby indeed." An unfamiliar voice said, making the shaman turn and see Eunji smiling as she sat down in front of Hyemi. "You know you do not have to go this far." The shaman informed, crossing her arms across her chest, "No, but I need my revenge on my dear little brothers." Eunji said, looking at her nails before setting down her bag.

"And by doing that you're torturing your brother's husband?" Hyemi asked, looking down at the other who grinned before standing up. "Exactly," Eunji responded, picking up her bag and leaving the room. Hyemi sighed, she couldn't let that woman injure the boys at all, especially the twins.

Seungkwan sighed as he watched the interaction between Jihoon and Taehyun, "You good?" Vernon asked, standing beside the older prince who nodded softly. "Yeah, just watching as Jihoon interacts with the kid." The omega responded, turning to face the young alpha. "Kinda strange how these kids are somehow always by themselves, they all lived on the streets without their parents," Vernon said, looking at the older male who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, but at least these kids now have a home within them." Seungkwan said, smiling as he then turned around and saw Chan running from a dog that was chasing him while Samuel was laughing so hard. "You're kidding." He muttered, shaking his head as the young beta jumped on Vernon to save himself. "Is jumping on me gonna help?" The older alpha asked, laughing as the small dog jumped on Vernon.

Chan nodded as he held onto the older tightly, "Chan you're gonna kill him." Seungkwan told him, bending down to pick up the dog. "My bad." The younger said, getting down and looking at the white dog. "You wanna hold him?" Seungkwan teased, laughing when Chan ran off again but this time to Samuel who was laughing so much that he couldn't breathe.

"Samuel make sure you can breathe," Vernon called out, chuckling as the two youngest then walked over to the window to see if anything new was happening. "Heads up, the party is about to start," Jun said, entering the room with Soonyoung as they finished their rounds of checking if everything was good.

Once everything was set into place, people started entering the palace. "Full house again," Jeonghan said, holding Soobin's hand while his husband was nearby. "Appa, I'm hungry," Soobin said, before turning to find his other father who was interacting with other people. "We have to wait bubs," Jeonghan said, smiling softly before seeing his brother stagger a little.

"Are you alright?" Hoseok asked, making Jisoo smile as he nodded. "I'm fine, just a little tired." The king of Kingdom Flower said, looking around as he blinked softly. "Your majesty," Hoseok spoke again, concerned for the king before turning to see Seokmin coming up to them. "Love, are you okay?" He asked, gently whispering into his ear so that they didn't attract attention.

"I'm fine, just a little hungry and exhausted," Jisoo responded, smiling as he felt relief that his husband was near. "Attention!" A spokesman yelled, gathering everyone's attention to focus on him. "A word from the King and Queen." They said, bowing as both the king and queen stepped up and smiled at everyone.

"Welcome, I hope you enjoy the party today!" The King said, smiling as looked around and saw the people who came to celebrate his son's engagement. "Dinner will start shortly but I hope everyone will enjoy our son's engagement with Prince Wonwoo." He continued, chuckling as people started cheering for the engaged couple.

Mingyu softly giggled as he held Beomgyu in his arms while Wonwoo was standing beside him. "This is so embarrassing." The shorter muttered, before feeling an arm wrap around his waist. "It'll be over in a few hours." The taller responded, as he then faced the crowd of people.

As the party continued to go on, Wonwoo stayed close to his betrothed as he didn't trust himself to be alone and interact with others around them. "Appa can I play with Soobin hyung?" Beomgyu asked, resting against Mingyu's shoulder as he looked at Wonwoo. "Not right now." The tall omega said, lifting his hand to fix Beomgyu's hair.

"Just wait a few minutes," Mingyu told him, smiling softly as they passed other kings and queens. After a few minutes had passed, dinner officially started making everyone headed outside to where tables were set out so that everyone could enjoy the breeze and fresh air. "To the future kings!" Mingyu's father said, getting everyone to cheer and clang their cups together.

As everyone sat down, Mingyu sat Beomgyu in his lap because there was not enough space for the children at the main table. "Daddy, look there's nuggets." The five-year-old said, giggling as his sides were being tickled a little. "Mhm, those are for you bubs," Mingyu said, chuckling a little as his son took a nugget and ate it.

Wonwoo smiled softly as he ate his food. But as the party continued to go on the sound of doors opening harshly caught everyone's attention. "Oh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." A female voice said, looking around until her eyes landed on Wonwoo. The tall omega stood up in confusion, he then turned to look at his twin brother who was also confused.

"Who are you?" The Queen asked, irritated that someone ruined the party for her son and son-in-law. "Don't play dumb Queen Jihye, you know who I am." The woman said, scoffing as guards were standing in front of her. "Eunji why are you here?" Wonwoo asked, walking towards his older sister.

Eunji smiled softly as she looked at her younger brother. "Omo, you're so pretty." She said, lifting her hand to move the younger's face around. "Why are you here?" Seokmin asked this time, standing beside his twin brother. "Is that how you speak to me?" Eunji asked, turning to face Seokmin who had his arms crossed against his chest.

"Answer my question." He said, grabbing his brother and pulling him aside. "Can I not see my little brothers?" Eunji asked, smiling as she then turned to find Jisoo who was trembling when he saw her standing there. "Enjoyed your nightmares?" She asked, chuckling as Seokmin gripped his sword.

Everyone stayed quiet, no one knew what to say especially when a former Princess was standing there.


A/N: Forgot to mention once this story comes to an end, it'll become a series but that's only when the story is finished- we still have a long way to go LOL

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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