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Kingdom Shadow is one of the most protective kingdoms, which isn't a bad thing, but sometimes can get out of control.

Prince Kim Mingyu, who is an alpha wants to change that, he promised himself that once he gets married, and has his mate, he'll change the rules, and make his kingdom have more freedom.

Mingyu who is an alpha has an omega friend named Xu Minghao. Now you may slightly wonder why are they around each other, so much if they're an alpha and an omega?

Well Minghao and Mingyu grew up together, and Mingyu always protected his best friend from other alpha's, of course they don't have romantic feelings for each other since they see each other more like siblings.

"Wait I'm getting married to who?" Mingyu asked, as he was still in shocked "To the prince of kingdom flower." The king told him.

Minghao patted Mingyu's back "You're not the only one." Mingyu raised an eyebrow "I'm getting married to a prince from a different kingdom."

"But wait...Why are we all being told this?" The queen smiled.

"Well to get you guys prepared, but so far the prince of kingdom adore and prince of kingdom dream are the first to get married at some point."

Mingyu nodded, and looked at his father "You'll be fine Mingyu, now go to your training." Mingyu sighed, but left.

Kingdom Trauma is the only kingdom that doesn't have much rules, the kingdom is more laidback, but very protective.

The prince of Kingdom Trauma Chwe Vernon Hansol, is very chill prince.

Vernon seems to not have very much reactions, but he doesn't express his emotions very well since he's mostly quiet.

His best friend Lee Chan who is a beta, was always there to make sure no misinterpretation was spread about Vernon.

Chan has came from a different kingdom, but mostly stayed with Vernon since in his kingdom things weren't going good, and his parents decided to move him until everything was settled.

"I'm marrying who?" Vernon asked confused.

The king sighed "A prince from a kingdom that is in JeJu." Vernon nodded thinking a little "Is Chan getting married?" The king shook his head.

"He's still underage a little, so he has to wait two years." Vernon nodded.

Chan smiled as he heard that "At least, I get have a bit more freedom." Vernon laughed a little.

King Juwon chuckled as he saw his son fool around with Prince Samuel who was from a different kingdom.

The king then smiled when he saw his beautiful wife helping the maids.

Soon enough both princes came up to the king and queen "The yule ball is a week away father, why do the other kingdoms have to come early?"

"Something lately has been happening, and we also need to discuss about the marriages." Seungcheol raised a brow.

Samuel then looked at Seungcheol "I bet you're marrying a twin from the kingdom of dream." Samuel teased.

The king chuckled hearing Samuel "You're not wrong." Seungcheol was shocked a little, but smiled.

The next day came by, and Kingdom Adore was preparing to get the palace set up for the rest of the princes.

"Your majesty, the king and queen of kingdom trauma are here." Juwon nodded "Let them in Taehyung."

As they came inside the building "King Juwon and Queen Hwayoung." The king of trauma said "Welcome King Jinhae, and queen Ari."

Seungcheol then looked back and saw two boys "This is my son Prince Vernon." The king then looked behind him "And this is Prince Chan."

They both bowed, and looked at the other princes "Your boy seem to be getting stronger." Jinhae commented "He's been training for a while now." Juwon smiled.

After a few minutes, Taehyung came back "Sir Kingdom Shadow and Kingdom Flower have arrived."

Juwon nodded, and soon all eight of them entered "King Geon and queen Jihye, kingdom of Shadow."

"King Hei and queen Nari, kingdom of Flower."

Soon four princes stepped up "Twin princes of kingdom flower Seokmin and Wonwoo." Hei introduced.

"Prince Mingyu and his friend Prince Minghao." Geon introduced, and they all bowed.

Juwon chuckled "Haven't seen Mingyu in years, seems like he did get your height." Geon chuckled.

"And Wonwoo seems to be taller than his own twin." Hwayoung smiled "He's very skinny, but tall." Nari commented.

As they talked, Taehyung came in again "Your majesty Kingdom Pinwheel and Kingdom Wave have arrived."

"Ah yes general King Hwan, and queen Misun, kingdom of Wave." Juwon said, and looked to see the other family "King Minjun and queen Hana, kingdom of Pinwheel."

They smiled "Prince Soonyoung and his friend Prince Junhui." Hwan smiled.

"Prince Jihoon and his friend Seungkwan." Minjun introduced.

Juwon smiled as he saw Jihoon hiding a little "He's very shy."

"Kingdom Dream has arrived."

Everyone looked, and they all smiled as the king and queen stepped out "King Siwoo and queen Aera." Juwon chuckled.

"Still better looking than anything." Siwoo smiled making the others laugh a little "Anyways these are my two sons, Prince Jeonghan and Prince Jisoo."

They both bowed, and smiled "You two have grown so much." Hwayoung smiled "Now let's have a few minutes of free time before lunch." They all nodded.

"Taehyung!" Juwon called out "Yes your majesty?" Taehyung said as came into the room.

"Please take each luggage to the rooms." Taehyung nodded.

Siwoo looked "I also brought some of my servants." Juwon chuckled.

As the kings and queens talked, the princes have gone outside "Wow the flowers look nice." Seokmin said "My mother picked them, she said the color was way too beautiful to not be picked."

Jeonghan looked, and noticed Jisoo staring at the flowers "Rose quarts and Serenity." Jisoo mumbled.

"Did mother tell you?" Jeonghan asked "No, I figured it out on my own."

Jeonghan then looked behind him to see Jihoon and Seungkwan "Everything alright Ji?" Jihoon looked and shrugged.

"Too many people." Jihoon mumbled as he stayed close to them.

Seungkwan then yelped when Wonwoo scared him "You ass!" Seungkwan exclaimed "Very accurate."

As the omegas talked for a bit, the alphas were playing fighting.

"Ack!" Seokmin groaned "Damn Cheol." Jun laughed a little.

Seokmin got up "Min your hair." Seokmin sighed, and tried to to fix it, but the alpha's didn't let him.

"Fuck you." Seokmin cursed making them laugh.

Seokmin then walked to Wonwoo "Hey Wonwoo can you fix my hair." Wonwoo looked "Nope." Wonwoo walked to Jeonghan making Seokmin groan.

Jisoo went to Seokmin "I can help." Seokmin smiled, and let Jisoo do his hair.

As that happened Wonwoo looked at Jeonghan "Funny how that's his betrothed." Jeonghan cackled.

"Jisoo at times is just oblivious and plus my father didn't make him grow up fast." Jeonghan smiled.

Wonwoo tilted his head "Your father made you grow up fast?" Jeonghan nodded, and looked back at Jisoo who finished fixing Seokmin's hair.

After a few minutes, lunch was ready and the princes were asked to go inside.


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