Chapter Seven

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Every single day, its the same routine over and over again, and I'm tired of it. Today I was going to confront my father.

Every day, I go to eat breakfast, he sees me and requests for his food to be sent to his office. It's the same story for lunch and supper. He wouldn't even eat in the dining room if Jackson and his family was there.

He only sat there when Stella was there and I just knew that he's forced to. She had him wrapped around her finger. Sometimes it made me jealous.

I've been here for two weeks, locked up in the mansion since Alpha Lucien has been patrolling by the portal.

A few days ago, all the Alphas came for an important meeting for Zade. Some of their Lunas tagged along. Since Maristela was an Alpha, she attended. She told me what happened after.

Apparently, the Alpha has been searching for something. He wasn't interested in the other packs but he specifically came to the portal because it was the closest part of unowned land that's by my father's pack. They said he's looking for something that's on my father's land.

A few of the Alphas and Lunas nearly fainted when they saw me. They threw a hundred questions my way and my father's. No one knew that my mother was pregnant when she left except him, Damon, Stella, Jackson and his family.

And now everyone knows.

A few of them spoke to me about my mother, telling me how brave and bold she was. That she was so strong until the point where she couldn't take it anymore. She always bottled up her fear and in the end it was too much. And she left.

The people who really intrigued me were Carter and Carroll. The Alpha and Luna of the Wind Winder Pack. They were originally from that pack but left when things got corrupted. They became rogues in the human world. They were the people who took my mother in.

Some of them even told me I had my father's eyes, which pissed my father off even more when people mentioned it over and over. It was almost funny.

What wasn't funny was that I was here for two weeks, almost three, and my mother didn't come. I know she knew I was here. Why wasn't she coming to get me?

Was she afraid?

So today was the day I confronted him for his attitude towards me. The sooner I can, the sooner I can go home. I've had enough training and I'm stronger than before. I've learnt a lot about my wolf side─thanks to Stella.

I knocked on his office door, trying not to be rude. "Come in." His voice was gruffy and after I entered he looked pale and had dark circles under his eyes.

Okay, maybe this was a bad timing.

His expression darkened, clearly pissed off. "What do you want?" He barked.

"Why?" I asked. "Why are you treating me like this?"

He didn't answer, nor did he look at me. "Just go, please."

"No." I jaw clenched. I wasn't going to allow him to push me away even further. "Okay, you want me gone. I know that. But why, because my mother broke your heart? So you're taking it out on your daughter?"

"Kira." He warned. "Please, go."

I sighed, defeated by his stupidity. "You're so naïve. I'm trying to fix this and you're just pushing me away."

"You have learnt everything you need to know. What's stopping you from running back to your mother? If she knows that you're here, why not come fetch you since she forbid you from coming here, huh?" His nose flared.

My chest heaved from the anger boiling inside of me.

"I don't know. But I can't go home, yet. I don't know why, but there's this feeling inside me that's nagging me to just stay for a bit longer. It's an instinctive feeling." I told him, gesturing to myself.

He scowled. There was a pregnant pause until he said, "It's your wolf."

My heart pounded. "Is..." I didn't bother finishing my sentence. I looked away, trying not to cry.

"Maybe." He answered dryly.

My mate was out there. No. He was here. Somewhere here, waiting for me.

My father let out a sigh. "I was rejected." He stated. "Hurt. She left with my child. She left me." He stood up, his hands fisted on the table. "She looked me in the eye and told me that she loved me. And right after she said that, she said she couldn't stay here. She didn't want to stay here. I begged her to stay but he didn't listen to me. And right outside the portal she looked at me as if she didn't know me and rejected me." His chest heaved and his nose flared like a ragging bull.

"You broke her heart first I whispered." Realization hitting me straight to my core.

"I'm not-"

I cut him off. "You hurt her. She lived for five years in the human world. It took you five years to realize that you loved her. But her fear is what kept you both apart." I stated. "When you tried making things right she didn't care. And then she left. She rejected you because she knew you would come back and get her. She wanted a normal life. But none of this is your fault."

His lips parted but quickly shut it and listened to what I had to say next. "She always bottled up her fears. Her aunt, Sulia, erased her memories and everything came rushing back at once. What if something happened that really hurt her and all this brought the trauma back."


"Believe what you want." I was finally fed up with him.

"I'm tired of hearing about her. I want you gone by the end of today. You shouldn't be here. Go to the human world where you're safe. Alpha Lucien has been hunting for something in my pack and it only started when you arrived."

I scoffed. "Is that an excuse, huh? You're using me as an excuse?"

"I'm not and this is not a coincidence." He banged his fist on his table.

"Then what is it? Fate telling me I should leave and forget about all this?"

"Maybe it is." He spat.

I huffed at him. "Wow, my mother was right about you."

He banged his fist on his table again. "She fed you lies. Lies she made up so you won't hate her and hate me instead."

"I hate you. I hate you so much that's why I ran away from home to look for my father in another world." I raised my voice until I needed to breathe.

The scowl never left his face. "I want nothing to do with you. It's best if you leave."

"You know what? Maybe I will. Because you're an asshole." I pointed my finger at him.

He seemed to take everything I said through one ear and shoved it out the other. And I hated him even more for that. Maybe a brick wall would have listened better.

He was now my enemy.

Tied To The Alpha [EDITING] (#2 New Moon) Where stories live. Discover now