Chapter One

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The birds chirped early in the morning as I opened my eyes to the wonderful summer morning. I jumped out of bed and immediately sprinted towards the bathroom.

Today is a very exciting and special day for me. I'm finally turning eighteen. I was going to find my mate soon.

I yearned for a mate. Someone who will love me unconditionally. Somebody who is obviously not like my father.

My parents split up before I was born. My father hurt my mother really bad and until now she hasn't let another man into her life. It's just the two of us living in Florida.

I've never met any other werewolf besides my mother. All my friends are human. I didn't mind. I still adored them for their kindness. Humans were good. Well not all humans were good.

I haven't really met my father or any of my family members. Whenever I tried to ask my mother where they lived or what happened to them, she always said it didn't matter or concern me.

I don't ever speak back at her or show any disrespect towards her. I understood that she doesn't like talking about my father, but sometimes my curiosity to pry answers get the better of me.

I took a shower and settled on wearing my pretty red dress. I tied my hair into a bun and tied my shoelace on my fancy black glitter takkies that had my name on it. I applied a little make-up and lip gloss. Then I put on a special necklace my mother gave me a few years back─a rose gold necklace shaped as a heart.

I sensed my mother close to my bedroom door. She knocked.

"Come in."

"Happy birthday, sweetheart." My mother hugged me, squeezing me. "Are you excited?"

I nodded and smiled at her. "I can't believe I'm going to find my mate soon." The feeling of love felt so good.

I loved reading romance books and it just felt so magical. I want to experience that as well.

My mother sighed. "It doesn't necessary happen when you then eighteen on the dot. It could take years, you know?" She reminded me again of what happens in reality. "Come on, let's go." She walked out of my room and made her way down stairs.

I cursed myself in my mind for bringing that up. I shouldn't say things like that in front of her. My mother longed for a mate when she was my age and he cheated on her. I couldn't imagine the pain she felt back then.

'Come on, Kira. Your friends will be waiting for you.' My mother touched my mind through our mind link.

'Coming.' I replied, reaching for my phone on my desk. I put it in my little hand bag and descend down the staircase.

My mother locked the house up and we both got into the car afterwards. The car was quiet and both of us didn't utter a single word throughout the drive.

Once we reached our destination, I found my friends waiting for me by the park.

"Bye mom. Love you!" I kissed her cheek, trying to lighten up her mood.

"Love you too."

I jumped out of the car and made my way towards my friends─Danny, Rosita and Samantha.

"Happy birthday, girl." Samantha hugged me tight. She was slim and tall, with blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"Oh my gosh! You look so gorgeous. Happy birthday, Kira." Rosita hugged me tighter than Samantha. She squeezed the air out of me and I tried not to choke.

Rosita can be a bit of a goof ball at times but she means well. She's really fun to be around. She's short with chocolate brown hair, dark skinned and had black eyes.

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