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*He lifts his gaze to the sky and feels the weight of the universe on his shoulders.*

*A smile surfaces on his lips, but fails to light up his eyes.*

*An empty laugh slips between his lips, tearing through the silence of the night.*

*Immersed in a sea of turbulent thoughts, tears begin to emerge, overflowing the pain in his soul.*

*The silence becomes a heavy blanket, enveloping him in its cold embrace.*

He was on the edge, on the brink of despair, about to plunge into the abyssal darkness that lay before him. He knew that if he took that step, he would immerse himself in a torrent of memories and emotions, a whirlpool of past and present that threatened to drag him to the deepest part of his being. As he observed his reflection in the still water, a broken yet firm voice cut through the tense air...

"We wanted to cross this bridge, but... everything fell apart." A smile tinged with pain slides across his lips, but his eyes betray the anguish stirring within-. "You crossed without looking back, while I remained blind to the signs fate sent me. Seeing someone else share your path made me feel like I had lost the chance to save you, to save you from yourself." Tears threaten to overflow, but he struggles to contain them-. "But I didn't give up. I stepped back, ran, and jumped. I crossed that damned bridge, only to find you with him. That was the final blow, the confirmation that my struggle had been in vain, that my sacrifice had not been enough. But... there's something I need to tell you before it's too late."

A figure emerges from the shadows, and before he can utter a word, she speaks...


He looks at her with eyes filled with love and torment, responding to the greeting with a barely audible whisper. Though he tries to remain calm, his heart tears into pieces inside his chest, each carrying the weight of a lost love. His eyes shine with unfathomable pain, his voice barely a whisper broken by the torment consuming him. Every fiber of his being trembles with the intensity of his suffering, but...

*He wakes up.*

As he opens his eyes, he realizes it was all just a dream, a nightmare that has left him exhausted and trembling. However, the emotions he has experienced remain fresh in his mind, like flames threatening to consume him completely. Despite the crushing pain of reality, he knows that this dream carries with it a revelation, a truth he has been avoiding for too long. He decides to confront it, determined to find the peace he so desperately craves, even if it means unearthing the darkest secrets of his heart.

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