𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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file 2; subject 7.8

• superhuman speed, allowing subject to move at incredible velocities, making subject faster than anyone else.

• electricity manipulation, subject would have the ability to generate and control electricity. also could shoot lightning bolts from their hands, manipulate electrical currents, and even harness electricity as a weapon.

• superhuman strength would give the subject immense power, enabling subject a to lift heavy objects effortlessly and deliver powerful punches. also able to overpower their opponents with ease.

• superhuman endurance would grant subject the ability to withstand physical stress and fatigue. the subject could endure intense battles and keep going without tiring easily.

• healing abilities would allow them to recover from injuries at an accelerated rate. they would be able to heal wounds quickly, making them extremely resilient in combat.

• the ability to transfer energy would enable them to absorb and redistribute various forms of energy. they could absorb energy attacks and redirect them back at their enemies.

• lastly, subject a would possess a force field, a protective barrier that shields them from harm. this force field would act as a shield, defending them from attacks and keeping them safe.


file 1; subject 1.5

• chaos magic, which allows them to manipulate and control the fundamental forces of the universe.

• with reality warping, subject can alter and reshape reality itself according to their will.

• telepathy enables them to read and influence the thoughts of others.

• levitation grants them the ability to float and maneuver through the air.

• energy protection allows them to shield themselves from various forms of energy attacks.

• flight lets them soar through the skies with ease.

• superhuman strength gives them immense physical power.

• heightened senses enhance their perception and awareness.

• mind control allows them to manipulate and control the minds of others.

• lastly, as a portal controller, they have the ability to create and manipulate portals, allowing for instant travel between different locations, dimensions, universes, or realms.


file 3; subject 10.6

• subject would be able to teleport, instantly moving from one place to another.

• time traveling, they could journey through different moments in history.

• superhuman endurance would grant the subject incredible stamina and the ability to push their physical limits.

• portal creator, they could open gateways to different dimensions or locations.

• superhuman strength would give them immense power, allowing them to lift heavy objects and overpower their foes.

 𝐒𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄, hsmtmtsWhere stories live. Discover now