Chapter 11

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"AAAAAAAAGGGRRHHH!!!!" Sprinting till it seemed like his lungs burst and hacking at any training dummy was the only way for Inosuke can expel the energy he had.

Again, he thinks about the woman who looks like Kotoha. The woman who had cried out for him to live.

He would live.

But he would also slay the rainbow-eyed bastard that would dare kidnap and possibly eat Kotoha while she was under their watch.

"Kotoha-chan! Would you like to go to a festival?" Douma would come to her shortly after his followers left serve.

Kotoha would look up from her book, enjoying the garden while the sun was high and warm. She finds the demon standing under the porch. It would only take a step and he would be in the sun.

"Festival?" The demon's eyes got bright, nodding.

"Please, Kotoha-chan~, won't you join me?" The demon was reaching his hand out to Kotoha, palm up when the sun's rays touched his skin.

Blisters were forming when Kotoha came swiftly, taking his hand out of the light by pressing hers over his. Douma steps back, tugging her in like a fish on a hook.

"Is that a yes?" Kotoha sighed in relief when she saw that once her hands were lifted, the hand was pale and void of any injury.

Douma was watching as she slowly let go and looked up to her.

"Sure, I don't see why not."

Douma would come to her door with a gift shortly before sunset. It starts with a knock and when it opens, Douma comes in with a grin and a box. Kotoha was a bit baffled by the box and it was only at Douma's insistence does she opened it while he sat before her.

With his hands on his knees, Douma leans forward, eager to see her reaction to the present he had picked.

A last-ditch effort to get her to remember.

His eyes dulled a bit when she seemed more in awe of the kimono he had gotten for her more than a month ago.

He does hope it's the right size, he had been guessing.

She would spread out the kimono, the best tailor he could find, feeling the silk and not caring about the budget for it was for Kotoha.

It was light green with the designs made in darker thread. It was much like the original kimono she wore when he first had her in his care.

Now he promises not to stain it in blood this time.

He won't dare stain such beauty in crimson again.

"Douma, thank you, this is gorgeous." Douma can only focus on her face and how she seems to beam.

"Hai, no problem."

Douma would wait on the porch as the sun set and Kotoha would come out with her new kimono.

He knows she is a beauty but at this moment she was a goddess to him. Kotoha was a bit nervous as she stepped forward.

"Ready Kotoha-chan?" Douma offers his hand and soon she takes it. The demon grins when she squeaks as he scoops her up and they are off.

As Uppermoon Two he was much stronger and faster than the average demon. His Kotoha must have forgotten how fast he was till he was running down the mountain that holds his temple.

The trip takes about twenty minutes to the half day it would have taken for a normal human. Douma would leap from the edge of town to the rooftop close to the center of town.

"Kotoha~, we are here." Douma would look down to where Kotoha kept her head tucked in his shoulder. The woman would soon realize they had stopped and begin to push on Douma's shoulder and face. With a squished cheek, Douma grins before jumping into an alleyway and setting her down.

Took Kotoha a moment to pull away from Douma. It took everything in him not to pout as she led the way, not even attempting to wait for him.

"Douma! Come look at this!" Douma was close behind her as they came to join the people.

Bright lights and plenty of smiles from children and adults as they forget their worries.

Douma would look to Kotoha to see her reaction. Her eyes were jades that spark under the lantern light.

"It's wonderful." Douma could only grin, offering his arm to her before they were off.

Kotoha would talk about how some of the vendors were classics in her time. Most of the snacks and treats that she tries she would comment about being much more tasty.

"Why is that Kotoha-chan?" Douma would stroll with her as they walked with the flow of the crowd.

"Everything has become much more industrialized in my time. Honestly, the way you will win is to last a bit longer. Demons wouldn't need to conquer the sun by the time my era comes. We make too many opportunities for you." Kotoha's eyes dim a bit. "There's too many humans and we get lost and forgotten."

"Ah! That's where you are wrong Kotoha-chan!" Douma comes in front of her and she goes red when he uses a curled finger to lift her head. " You won't ever be forgotten by me!"

Douma would get his hand pushed away and he could only tilt his head as Kotoha was quick to walk away from her. He puts up a smile and walks after her.

"Kotohaaaa~ Wait for me!"

The night was wonderful and it would end with a firework show. The bright sparks match the brightness of the sun.

Douma would look to his side instead of watching the fireworks.

A smile comes easy to his lips at the sight of her enjoying the view. Pop after pop till the biggest one was set to go off.

"I hope you know you are beautiful Kotoha-chan."

Kotoha blinks at that before looking sharply at Douma who is only grinning at her. The firework pops overhead as the demon leans down a bit.

"I would eat you up."

For some reason, even knowing he was a demon that eats humans, her face feels red.

She was shy on the way back home.

When lays in bed does she think about how Douma technically took her on a date.

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