Chapter 4

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Nezuko would come out of her box the few other times she was stuck with Kotoha instead of Tanjiro. Tanjiro said she gets her energy from sleeping and that she probably has been sleeping deeper with her singing.

She didn't mind, it kept her busy and gave her a task after the day they walked to the next wisteria house. She works on her music, writing down notes and humming whichever tune. Sometimes she would ask Nezuko how some lyrics sounded with a certain tune. The young demon would always nod.

It does make her wonder, with how Nezuko acted that could there be other good demons. They must be few and far between. With how many demons they've already killed. The ratio of demons to human village was that to a tiger of an area. Every single one is a man-eater. Nezuko was the only one, not a maneater, that is what makes her different.

So long as she doesn't consume the flesh, and doesn't become a man-eating demon, she will remain this adorable demon she doesn't mind seeing as a little sister.

Speaking of siblings, she sees Inosuke more and more as a little brother. Little quirks of his make her laugh and how he protects her from the most minor of things. He makes sure Zenitsu knows she isn't interested in any advancement.

Inosuke was also curious about how she was and if she could sing to him when she was working on her notes. She doesn't mind, having realized that Inosuke didn't see her as anything more than a friend, a sister maybe if he ever had one.

"Oi, Kotoha, what is this?" Inosuke was pulling on her charging cord before she gently took it from him.

That was another thing. Tanjiro and Zenitsu had turned to Inosuke sharply to see if he had said what he said. She didn't get it till Inosuke looked at Tanjiro.

"Panchiro, What you looking at? YOU WANT TO FIGHT?!" Tanjiro is quick to shake his head, saying they shouldn't fight at dinner or the food would get cold. Inosuke stops his aggression, liking his food warm.

Inosuke didn't say his friends' real names except for Nezuko's every other day. That just showed how close they had gotten.

She was almost honored for having gotten close to the one that was hard to get close to so easily.

She was finally feeling better about her situation. She wasn't alone anymore. She had friends.

One evening, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke had come back later than usual. Nezuko had crawled out and stayed with Tanjiro as they had a late dinner. It was midnight and Kotoha had come outside to the garden. She didn't mind being alone. The boys can sometimes get loud when together and the silence of the garden was the perfect environment for her.

She hums a tune before she decides to sing it to the cool evening air. She had her phone in her pocket, charging, not wanting to play the song she had long since memorized.

It's an unexceptional, ordinary night
The noise, the sparkle, and you

Night Dancer had become a song so smooth to sing that she sometimes gets lost in it. Not pay any mind to her surroundings when she gets lost in the beat in her head. The rhythm of the song is in her soul, making her blind to what could be in the vicinity.

The clock hands are frozen again
The frequented, cluttered room
Nothing changed, but as I look back
We both had gotten older

As she dances across the garden, in parallel with her steps, someone walks with her from the rooftop of the wisteria house. Studying her odd moves and lyrics as she enjoys herself.

The music stops again, you drop the needle
We've replayed it so much, we nearly grow bored of it
Nothing changed, please don't change
You're the only one who's stayed

Only stopping to move out of the way and out of view. Not at all make himself known as he watches. Trying to recall why such a voice could sound familiar. He brings his finger to his chin before tapping his temple. A claw dug into his skull, barely touching his brain when it clicked.

We avoid the topic with small talk
We hesitate to touch the subject
We stop to push the hands forward
Our breaths start to sync-

Kotoha had begun to twirl only for her breath to hitch when she nearly ran into a chest. She stepped back, gaining only a distance enough so she wasn't in the person's space.

"Gomen-" She didn't recognize the outfit and it was too different from the uniforms of slayers.

She looks up and freezes when she sees bright rainbow eyes looking down at her. They made her feel uneasy. She steps back and he doesn't move. Smiling politely and leaning into her space.

"Kotoha, I don't remember you learning such a song. A complex song compared to lullabies." The man was tall, high in stature. His hair was almost kept too well, in comparison to the wild boys she's been dealing with. Like he had proper hygiene to modern-day standards.


"Eh?!" She goes red as the man starts to circle her, examining her. Even taking a strand of her hair without her noticing. Smelling it before a wider smile comes to his face.

A smile that when it came to view she finally spotted his fangs.

Inosuke and Nezuko look up to stare at the doors leading outside. Tanjiro didn't know, having not smelled anything but Zenitsu finally got nervous as he shook. He covered his ears, something having startled him more than any other demon.

"Tanjiro, there's .... It's like the spider mountain!!" Zenitsu cried, terrified out of his mind already because this was more concentrated.

Those eyes so bright are only focused on her when they shift. Kanji appears in the eyes of the demon and she shakes.

'Uppermoon Two' Tanjiro had told her little of demons, but to be extra cautious with those with kanji in their pupils.

The demon steps forward and wraps an arm around her. His presence suffocating as the temperature seems to drop when he leans down to her ear.

"Don't worry Kotoha-chan, no harm will come to you. I only want some answers from you."

Before she could speak, the fear made it hard enough. She hears Inosuke running out, having busted through the door instead of slamming it open. His mask was on and he ran into the garden.

"KOTOHA, GET AWAY FROM THE DEMON!!" Tanjiro cried out, Nezuko at his side as he took out his sword.

The arm around her tightens before she is thrown over the demon's shoulder. Her hands grab onto anything, mostly the demon's hair that stretches down his back. The demon bows, his shoulder digging into her stomach as he does.

"Nice meeting you all but I must take my leave now. Goodbye!" His arm around her midsection was firm when he unleashed a spray of ice, including clones upon her new companions.

She screams as the demon leaps much higher than any human would be able to. The demon takes her away from safety, snickering as she cries out.

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