Chapter 5

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The demon was much too quick. Already out of sight when Tanjiro's screams echo the garden area.

The demon's clones were going to be trouble but Nezuko destroyed them with one devastating kick to each midsection was all it took for them to shatter. Still, they cause trouble.

"LET ME GO! I WON'T TASTE ANY GOOD!!" Kotoha hits her fists against the back of her napper. She wasn't going to be a normal damsel in distress.

Kami, this dude was solid. It was like hitting a firm mattress.

The demon was currently making his way out of the town. The wisteria house had been at its center.

He wasn't reacting till she tugged at his stupidly long glorious hair. If she lives, she wants to get tips on how he kept it so well.

Her actions must have been harsh enough to catch his attention.

The demon's smile drops into a pout stopping at the peak of one building overlooking the town. Those colorful eyes donning the kanji of Uppermoon Two seem to brighten as he turns his head to look at her. He however finds he can't catch her eyes. She would squeak when she found that she was shuffled to be in his arms instead of over his shoulder.

She tries to wiggle out of the demon's grip only to feel the grip turn firm and claws that threaten to flex into her flesh. Kotoha has to lean back as he comes in close, his frown a bit too much to be true.

"Kotoha-chan, that's mean. Don't you know how long it takes me to get it like this?" The demon cries out and he continues to pout only to tilt his head when he finds her shaking.

"Eh? Kotoha-chan don't you remember me?" His fangs show as he leans back. The wind seems to pick up, making her feel chiller and goosebumps rising as the one hair strand that splits his eyes moves with the breeze. Though his eyes were eerie with the kanji.

"It's me, Douma!" Oh great, now she knows the name of her killer.


Douma sighed, looking over his shoulder, seeing that green checker slayer dashing and the boar mask-wearing slayer close behind. A yellow-wearing slayer with the female demon coming after them. Perhaps he should eat them-

Douma winces as Kotoha tugs on his hair, clawing her way to look over his shoulder. Her nails do claw through his eyebrow. His grip is still as tight as can be as she cried out.

"TANJIRO! HE'S UPPERMOON TWO!! DON'T-" The scent of tears comes and he can't really console her here. So he had to continue his escape with his catch. Though he does take out one of his fans, to summon some ice vines to strike down the slayers. That did make his grasp on Kotoha a bit looser.

If he has time he will return and have what is left of the slayers and the female demon.

For now, he had to make a serious report to his lord.

"Say farewell to your friends, Kotoha-chan!"

Calling to Nakime, Douma leaps off the roof, the doors of the infinity fortress opening. Kotoha's yelp as the boar slayer dodges his vines and lunges for the entrance is what he sees when he twists to see the scene he is leaving behind. He puts his fan in front of him, his grin hidden and his eyes twinkling as he winks to the slayer.

"Bye-bye!" The roar was that more of an animal than a human as the doors slammed shut and the mysterious gravity of the infinity fortress went into effect. Douma tries to straighten himself out, not at all paying attention to the panicked female in his one-arm grip. Eyes darting every which way as they fall.

Then she tugged on his hair once more, jerking him forward more than expected as he was more focused on dodging platforms.

So goes the upper half of his head as he misses the next platform speeding up to them and his grip is lost as she somehow slips from his arm.

Kotoha struggles to get up onto the moving platform her stomach dropping with her lower half as she can hear the distant thud of the demon's body known as Douma lands. She gets up and has to look away from the blood spatter she has caused.

Oh, kami she was going to vomit at the sight.

She gets up on shaky legs as she watches this labyrinth of rooms shuffle like a Rubik's cube, moved around by an unknown force.

She needed to get out-

She shrieks as she hears a snarl from behind, a demon much like her first encounter. The demon doesn't have time to do anything before he freezes over and Douma lands on top of his frozen form. Douma runs his hand through his newly formed hair.

He shakes his head as he circles till he has his arm around Kotoha once more.

"Kotoha-chan, you can't be in here by yourself. Muzan has a nasty happen of leaving poor souls in here. Biwa lady won't let them out." Kotoha however doesn't listen as she looks down at the destroyed form of the demon.

The power gap was terribly wide and she knew there would be no escape as Douma directed her to the edge of the platform they currently stand on.

"Now Kotoha-chan, you need to behave. You will be meeting Muzan-sama. He isn't that nice to us his fellow demons. I would hate for you to die at his hands. Let me do all the talking okay?" He leaned into her view, winking before his arm went to her waist.

Instead of jumping down, he leaps upwards with her.

Then a strum of a Biwa and her stomach curls at the violent shift. Her knees are meeting the ground as Douma forces her, pressing her to his form, as if to hide her like a toy.

He however doesn't worry even as a suffocating presence comes upon her. Like a Lovecraftian unknown creature. Never knowing its true form but only hearing what had been said by Tanjiro.

She doesn't want to look up.

Even when Douma greets his lord.

"Oi! Hello Muzan-sama I got something-"

She flinches so hard, the arm still around her as blood sprays her hair. Douma's hand pats her arm. Bits of flesh had appeared on the floor before her when she had heard a strike to Douma's head.

"You had one job. Instead of fulfilling it, you waste my time by bringing a woman here."

Douma's head reforms, his smile wide.

"I did! It's quite exciting-" This time the swipe came from the side Kotoha was pressed up against, Douma's form falling over, seemingly dead.

She was shaking so badly.

"Look up human." It was a command she couldn't refuse.

Her hands curl into fists, trying to control her breathing as she slowly looks up.

Crimson eyes bore down at her, looking much like Micheal Jackson in choice of fashion.

She gulps when his eyes narrow down at her.

"Why should I keep you alive?"

"Why should I keep you alive?"

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