Chapter Twenty: Lucas

Start from the beginning

"I am ready. I had an idea hit me and I had to get it all out before I lost it. I wanted to make sure I wouldn't forget, and I am still mad at you."

"How long are you going to be mad at me?" I asked, trying to keep the smile off my face. I love how we are together; we can joke around without one of us getting angry. We never take it too far; we know the boundaries.

"For a very long time if I cannot find my pencil."

"Don't you have more of them? I have seen hundreds of them lying around the house." I am not lying either; she has tons of them everywhere.

"They are not all the same. That one was my favorite blue one." She huffed looking under our bed.

"We will look for it when we get back. If we cannot find it, I will buy you more just like it."

"I will not forget you said that." she told me as she stood up and dusted off her jeans.

"I have no doubts about you forgetting that promise."

"Don't get smart with me." Maddie laughed, elbowing me in the stomach.

"You have been hanging around Bella way too much." I laughed; she knows that I am joking.

"She is the best role model around and I love her like a sister. So, you better be nice." Failing to keep the smile off her pretty face.

"I agree with you."

"It is a good thing I love you."

"I love you too, Darlin." I told her as I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her close to me. Looking down into her eyes as I leaned down to kiss her. When I pulled away from her, I took her hand and led her down the hallway.


"Promise me that if my mom says anything, you won't let it get to you." Maddie said, when we pulled into Margret's driveway.

"Honey, I took a bullet for you, and I have heard some of the things your mother has said. I am not going anywhere. You are stuck with me now." I told her, taking the keys out of the ignition. I need to show her that I am not that kind of cowboy. I am no John Wayne, and I am not leaving her. I will not run from the way I feel. The only place I am running is straight into it.

"I know, it's just difficult sometimes."

"Remember that I got your back, and I will be here through it all. The good, and the bad, no matter what life throws at us." I told her as I shifted in my seat, placing my hand on her cheek. "I love you, Madison."

"I love you more." She moved where our foreheads touched. Staring lovingly into my eyes.

"Forever." I whispered, leaning in, and kissing her. When our lips met, I could still feel the sparks. Every time they are there. I fall more in love with her every second of the day. With each day that passes, I fall a little harder than the last.

"We better go in there and get this over with." Maddie huffed, reaching for the handle on the door.

"I am here for you." I will keep telling her until she believes it. Even if I must tell her multiple times a day.

"Let's go." Maddie replied, climbing out of the truck.

"It will be okay." I told her, taking her hand in mine and led the way.

"Hey, mom. We are here." Maddie called out when we stepped into the house. There was no noise throughout the place. Either she was gone or ignoring us. The kitchen was empty, her mom was not here. Glancing around the empty room, I noticed the dirty dishes piled up and the trash overflowing. What happened here? It was spotless the last time I was here.

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