Chapter Nine: Madison

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Waking up to the smell of coffee and bacon is one of the best smells in the world. Especially when I am not the one who made it. Sitting up in the big bed, the fragrance of a woodsy scent filled my senses. It reminds me of a safe place, a place I could get lost in. Glancing around the room, I noticed that I was alone. Why is it so quiet? Where are the children? I hope they are not getting into trouble, and not fighting.

Jumping out of bed, heading for the conjoined bathroom. Taking care of my morning needs, and finger combed my hair. I headed out of the room following the amazing smell into the dining room. Lucas was filling plates with food. The kids sat around the table, no Grayson or Bella in sight.

"Morning Darlin, how did you sleep?" Lucas asked, sitting a plate down on the table. The smile covering his face, took my breath away. Taking notice of his morning look. Put together and looks like he has been up for hours. I am so jealous of that, like he rolled out of bed that way.

"I have slept better than I have in a long time." I said, moving to stand beside him. I have not slept that well in a long time. No interruptions, no tossing and turning, and no nightmares. I felt safe last night knowing that Lucas was across the hall from me.

"Good." he said, taking me into his arms and leaning down to kiss me on the cheek. "Sit down and eat, before your food gets cold."

"Yes, Sir." I teased, a true smile taking over my face. Taking a seat in the chair he pulled out for me.

"So sarcastic." Lucas laughed, taking his seat to the left of me. He took my hand in his and laid them on the table.

"Lucas, can I ask you something?" Sofia asked, from her spot across from me.

"What's your question."

"How come we call your brothers uncle but not you?" Where did that question come from? Turning to him, waiting for him to answer her question.

"Who told you that?" He questioned back.

"Uncle Nate did. He also said Gramps and Nana loves us."

"I know they love you and I will have a talk with Nate." Lucas said, glancing my way.

"You are on your own with this one, cowboy." laughing out, I love this feeling. Carefree and happiness. It really has been a long time since I have felt this way.

"Why can't we call you uncle?" The little girl asked.

"Sofia, mom likes Lucas. So, he cannot be our uncle." Emma explained to her, like it was no big deal.

"Emma, you are too smart for your own good." I replied to my oldest.

"I take it that she is right." Lucas whispered, leaning in close so the kids could not hear.

"Maybe." I replied before picking up my mug.

"Lucas let us help him feed the animals this morning." Emma stated with a smile.

"What did y'all feed?" smiling at my daughter, who is growing up too fast.

"Horses, cats, and his dog, Duke." She beamed, as she scooped up eggs onto her fork.

"Duke?" I asked, looking at him.

"I told you the first day we met that I was a fan. Remember?" he asked with a smile.

"I do remember it." I replied, feeling heat creep up to my cheeks. I lowered my head, trying to hide it from him. Lucas laughed, squeezing my hand.

"What are we goanna do today?" Noah asked, his plate cleared of any food.

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