Chapter Eighteen: Lucas

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 "Are we still having movies and games at your house tonight?" Jackson asked as we worked in the west pasture. Putting a new fence for the property we just purchased.

"Yes, every Friday night. You can come over earlier for supper. Maddie really enjoyed last week and decided to go all out on it. She wants it to be a tradition." I replied, pulling the tight on my end of the wire.

"I really like that idea; I had a blast. We can also have monthly cook outs. A different house every month. I like the idea of us keeping traditions, no matter how big our family grows. We will still have time with each other." Agreeing with every word that he said. I love how close our family is. Not every family is this lucky, and I will never take them for granted.

"I like that too." I replied as my phone began to ring. Setting down the tools and removing my gloves to get my phone out of my pocket. Why is Emma calling? She should be home from school by now.

"Who is it?" Jackson asked, walking over to my side.

"Emma." I said, answering the call. Not liking the feeling taking over me.

"What's going on?" I asked into my phone, not liking this feeling at all.

"When will you and mom be back home?" She asked.

"What do you mean? Mom should be at the house." I told her, gathering everything up and stuffing it into my tool bag. Not caring if it makes it in there or not.

"She is not in the house or outside, that I can see." My mind is racing with so many questions. Where is she, is the most important one.

"Emma, I need you to listen carefully and understand everything that I am about to tell you. Can you do that?"


"Turn your phone on silent and take your siblings to your hiding place. Do not leave that spot or make noise, I will let you know when to come out. Can you do that?" I asked, praying nothing bad had happened to Maddie.

"Yes, I can do that. I love you, dad."

"I love you and keep your siblings safe for me. I will see you soon." I told her, ending the call. Throwing the bag into the bed of my truck and heading for the driver side door.

"What is going on, Lucas?" Jackson asked, running to the passenger side.

"Maddie is missing, and Emma can't find her. I need you to call the boys and tell them code red. Have them meet us at my house and to be prepared for anything to happen. Ethan could be there." I said, starting the truck and throwing it into gear trying not to waste time.

"Damn it." He cursed, digging around for his phone to call our brothers.


"What is the plan?" Grayson whispered, as we stood together beside the barn. I could hear Ethan's voice from the other side of the wall. I cannot hear Maddie, but who else could he be talking to?

"I need one of you to go up to the house, call the police and find the kids. They are in their hiding place." I told them, as I kept my eye on the door.

"Where is their hiding place?" Nate asked.

"I have no idea. Emma said it is a place where no one can find them. They were supposed to take us there tomorrow." I replied, kicking myself for not having her show me at once, instead of putting it off.

"Hopefully I can find them." Nate huffed out.

"If you can't find them, call, or text Emma. Her phone should be on silent, but she knows to expect us."

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