✧ chapter {6} ✧

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"I don't understand why you must scream so much," Draco said from beside me, adjusting his ear muffs. "It's so uncivilized."

I laughed and waved my small soggy Gryffindor flag in his face, "Because, Draco, that is my brother out there. The second-best chaser in Hogwarts. I have to show my support."

He gave me a disgusted look as he swatted the flag away, "That red is so garish."

"Just because you wear monochrome and green doesn't mean everyone el-"

I was cut off by the scream of a younger Slytherin. "What is that?" the boy sitting to my left asked, pointing up into the sky.

I looked up and squinted through the rain. Someone was falling, and falling fast.

"Is that Potter?" Draco questions, his lip curling. "He's going to show off again. Just because he got on the team first year doesn't mean he can-"

I grabbed his arm as something went whizzing past our stand toward the school.

"That was a broom!" I look back up, "That was Harry's broom!"

Students all over the pitch were screaming as Harry lost altitude. Many of them I could hear crying.

There was a slight pause in the rain, a calmness, a moment of silence but it was quickly interrupted by a red streak diving after the boy.

"No," Draco breathes, paling.

"Zenith! Zenith, no!"

He was going in for a deep dive, too deep. I could see the minute his grip slid and he flipped,I watched helplessly as he flailed, trying to grab onto his broom again. He misses.

"ZENITH!" I scream.

He hit the ground with a wet thump that I could barely hear over the din around me and the rushing in my ears. I  could feel myself beginning to hyperventilate before I felt hands on my shoulders, guiding me to the stairs.

I don't remember walking down them, but suddenly I'm on the pitch and Zenith's there, lying face down with one of his arms pinned.

I could feel tears running down my face, mixing in with the rain.

"Zenith," I cry, running to him. "Please be ok. Please be ok."

My breath hitched as I reached him and tried to turn him over. When I laid him on his back, I felt his heartbeat and sobbed in relief.

I held him in my lap as the teachers finally made their way down. I watched as Dumbledore ran over to where he carefully set Harry down. Madame Hooch was telling the teams to go to the locker rooms as they landed.

Madame Pomfrey runs over to us quickly, "It will be alright."

She uses her wand to run a quick diagnostic spell on my brother, and sighs in relief.

"It's just a broken arm and a couple bruises. Nothing life-threatening."

I feel Draco beside me. He's sitting in the mud, ruining his tailored pants. He pets my wet hair down with his hand as he pulls me into his side.

"It happened so fast," I gasped. "He was trying to hold on, but he just slipped."

My breath hitches on another sob and I can't breathe, I can't breathe, can't breathe, I can't-

"Shh," Draco says softly. "It's alright. You need to let go of him so he can go to the hospital wing."

I opened my eyes. When did they close?  Madame Pomfrey still crouched in front of us with a stretcher conjured beside her. The other teachers were carrying Harry away on another.

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