✧ chapter {5} ✧

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"Reparo," I said softly, pointing my wand at my head.

I leaned over towards the lake to see my reflection, a boy with platinum blonde hair stared back. Cressida crossed the line with this one. Any other color would have been fine, but why Draco's color? I scoffed, leaning back against a tree that was on the bank of the lake. The water was still, which was unusual for this time of year. Typically in the fall, there was a soft breeze, but today everything was still. Silent.

How the heck was I supposed to fix this? I racked my brain for any possible spell that could revert my hair back to its former glory, but I was coming up empty.

"Tergeo," I tried, but to no avail.

"Y'know Black, it's not necessary for you to change your hair in order to be in my fan club," Draco said, appearing from somewhere behind me. I jumped because frankly, he came out of nowhere.

"Malfoy, I'm really not in the mood for it today," I replied grouchily.

I was right, it had been a pretty bad day. First, my lovely locks were violated, then my deadbeat boggart dad didn't help.

"Not in the mood for my help? I'll just leave your beautiful blonde hair the way it is then, eh?" he said as he started to walk off.

"No, no, I accept help with open arms," I said, jumping up.

"That's what I thought," Draco said, turning back towards me, the smirk on his face was unfortunately visible.

I rolled my eyes in response.

"Reparifarge," Draco said, pointing his wand towards my hair.

I quickly ran back to the lake and peered over the side to view my reflection. The second I dropped to the ground, I was propelled forward into the water face-first. The ripples went into effect before I could get a visual on my hair.

The second I found my footing in the lake, I was at least relieved to see my dark hair sticking against my face.

Draco was doubled over laughing.

"It's really not that funny," I said, climbing out of the water. Each time I took a step, it looked as if I was being wrung out. There was a trail of water following me in the dirt.

"Except, that's where you're bloody wrong," Draco said, gasping for air. "I don't believe I've laughed that hard in a while," he said, offering his good arm to help me up.

"It looks like you've recuperated," I said, considering the fact he just pushed me into the lake.

"Nah, I've just got a strong left arm," he said with a grin that was so contagious, I caught it.

I sat down again, leaning against the tree where I had previously been sitting. Draco was still standing by a nearby tree.

"Do you care if I join you?" he asked, already sitting down.

Draco had his days, today I think was a good one.

"I guess."

"Good, because I'm too lazy to get back up and climb the stairs to the castle right now."

"So," I said, trying to start a conversation.

"So, are you okay?" he asked, his tone suddenly changing to something of a deep severity.

I was honestly confused, why did he care whether or not I was okay? "Yeah?" I responded, puzzled. "I mean, I've been better."

"I was asking because there's already rumors floating about your father being loose in Hogsmeade not to mention your boggart," Draco said, yet again his tone remained soft and serious.

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