Chapter 5 - Don't Get Attached

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As my eyes slowly open they are immediately met by sunlight glaring into the room.

"Fuck... my head." I sit up trying to remember what happened last night.

Okay so, party, then people started leaving, then... Oh right I went into the woods... okay then what?

As my memory slowly starts coming back to me I realize that I'm not in my dorm.

Instead I find myself in a huge bedroom, with sliding doors that connect to what looks like a balcony, on the wall across from me.

I stand up from the bed as my feet guide me to the window. When I look out I can see the school in the distance. It also appears that I'm on the second floor of some kind of building?

"Where the fuck am I?" My body turns back to the bed.

I'm still in my dress which is a good thing.

Wait what time is it?

I see my phone on the table by the bed so I grab it.

Shit- It's 7:49... Class starts at 8:00.

I hurry to find my shoes before rushing out the door and down the stairs of this maze of a house.

Why is no one here?

I don't have time to get curious, so I head out the front entrance and run as fast as my body will let me to the dorms.

Once I'm in my uniform and ready I, again, rush to my first period. But by the time I make it the tardy bell has already rung...


When I enter, the teacher gives me a look that says he's not too happy with my late arrival...

Ignoring him I take my seat and open my textbook to a random page so it looks like I know what I'm doing.

"Look who's alive." Max whispers from beside me.

"Gods don't start with me." I say causing her to laugh.

"You know you had everyone worried sick." She's still looking at her text book as she says that.

"Yeah... I'm sorry about that, I don't know what happened." I try to explain.

"It's alright don't worry, I'm just glad you're okay." This time she breaks her focus from her textbook to give me a soft smile.

Oh no, hell no, stop looking at me like that Max-

Ugh my head hurts too much for this.

Max is cute don't get me wrong, but she doesn't know me. And from what I've seen she's a good person, who has good friends and even a sweet girl totally down bad for her. The last thing she needs is me fucking up her life...

And that's all I would do, it's inevitable.

"So, now that you've had the first few days to get settled into your senior year, it's time to get started actually doing stuff. Your first test will be on Monday, so please be responsible with how you spend your weekend." He glares at me as he says that.


"Now, I'm sure we're all familiar with The Great Divide?" The class mumbles a conjoined yes.

"Good. Now let's start at the beginning, before the world as you know it was even created, when Olympus and the Underworld were still around."

The rest of the class is spent listening to Mr. Hardwick talk about the original gods and goddesses, and how their world worked back then.

It's kind of funny, my school never taught us about any if this. If we asked so much as a question about gods or goddesses we were scolded by our teachers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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