Introlude : The Gods

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Once upon a time... yes I know cliche, but bare with me here...

Once was a world divided, split between the humans and the gods.

Ha... bet you didn't expect gods...

Anyways, it was what the modern world calls the great divide. It lasted for centuries, blood shed between both kinds. Now obviously the gods were all powerful, and could have wiped out the humans effortlessly...

But as fate would have it, things were a little more complicated than that. You see, while a war between the species was taking place, so was a bigger war. One that would force all beings to put their differences aside, and unite.

Yes I'm aware of all the cliches in this...

So, the most powerful of gods and humans alike, came together and made an agreement.

All species would live in peace on earth...

Now we all know what humans are like, and gods aren't so different... so obviously it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but, it worked.

For the most part...

Now, I bet you're wondering what that bigger threat was... ha, Zarah was wrong, I'm a great story teller.

The real war at hand was with something called the Eternals, and these types of beasts were the definition of evil...

They would kill humans and gods alike without so much as a second thought.
And their leader, Elfious, wanted nothing but world domination, and he almost got it...

But, after the agreement was made, Zeus and his brothers conceived a plan to stop them at any cost.

Little did they know that cost would be their lives, with countless beings along with them...

To this day no one really knows what happened, but they do know after Zeus and his army went into battle with Elfious, they, along with the beast, were never to be seen again.

Yikes, what a tragic story... R.I.P Zeus...

Now it wasn't all bad, you see, after that day the gods and humans found a sort of... understanding for one another.

With no longer a 'world ending' treat, there seemed to be no reason to fight anymore. I guess everyone was just so happy to be alive they forgot all out the prejudice of species.

So, they created a system by which the world operates today, thousands of years later.

And here's how it works:

So basically when humans and mythical creatures started living within the same planet, things got a little... sexual.

My, what a mess we do make.

It created a more equal world, where there are no more "humans" or "gods", no, now we have Eleni.

What a stupid name...

Eleni is a, mix of power. Of course with the ancestry of humans, the Eleni isn't as powerful as the gods once were, but it's not needed.

Now we use the gods power for more ethical purposes, world peace and all that...

To keep this system in place, we live by a system of hierarchy, much like your world, only ours isn't ruled by a bunch of old people...

Well they're old, but at least they don't age like your politicians do, and they know how to use computers.

Anyways, we call them The Seven, mysterious I know...
But nonetheless they are the most powerful beings that exist in the twenty first century.

And "every body and they mamas" respect them.

As they should, they have been born from a long line of legacies, legacies that run as close to Zeus himself...

Now with there being no more "pure gods", that also means there are no longer any "pure humans". It is just as rare to find either.

So how do we determine our little Eleni's power? Well funny you should ask, we have levels. 1-10, one being the weakest, ten being, well as close godly as it gets.

There is rarely a one or a ten, and never is there anything less or more... never.

And of course there is use for all levels, and it helps that everyone's powers are mostly different...

Now we have main categories, like fire, air, earth, water, etc.

But this is all stuff you will figure out later...

Now, to the story.

A story with ups and downs, love and heartbreak, prophecies and legacies...

Oh how I promise it won't disappoint...

See you next time my little readers.


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