Valentino (Angst)

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I realized I've teased you all enough so you will be getting a piece to the puzzle that is (Name)'s backstory. Hope y'all enjoy.

Please Comment.

[scene starts with (Name) at the bar with Angel Dust, Cherri Bomb and Husk, she's pretty drunk and was well relaxed.]

Angel Dust: "And then he told me "Well it's not my fault that I came so fast" and I couldn't stop laughing."

[(Name) busted out laughing almost to the point of tears a sound Angel Dust, Cherri Bomb and Husk loved to hear, her laughter is like a warm fire in a cold winter. Something they felt like helped them survive. The happy moment was soon ruined be a loud ringtone from her phone. She looked down to see who it was and immediately recognized the number, she declined the call and went back to talking to them only for the number to call again, she declined immediately and slammed it down this time, she couldn't even get a word in before getting so frustrated she threw the phone across the bar hearing the screen shatter. She looked over at the others to see her looking at her quizzically.]

(Name): "Sorry guys. *looks away in embarrassment*"

Cherri Bomb: "Uh what was that about."

(Name): "I-it's nothing important, I'm gonna turn in for the night."

Angel Dust: "What, no just tell us what's up."

(Name): "No no you guys have fun without me."

[(Name) got up to leave and blows them a good night kiss that floats in the air and separates into three kisses that land on each of their cheeks.]

(Name): "Goodnight~"

[ (Name) walks up the stairs to her room as the camera pans back to the three, Angel Dust gets up and walks towards where she threw her and picks it up to see a cracked screen with Val's caller ID on it.]

Angel Dust: "Fucking Val."

Husk: "why you mentioning that fucker."

Angel Dust: "He's been calling her nonstop either begging or trying to manipulate her into getting back together with him and the rest of the vees."

Cherri Bomb: "Fuck no wonder."

Husk: "Can that bitch take a fucking hint."

Angel Dust: " Fuck I can't believe this."

[ The camera pans back to (Name) Who's trying to sleep by herself but its not going well]

(Name): "No... Stop... Leave me ALONE..."

[She gasps and yelled lightly because of the nightmare.]


[The camera pans to a (Name) much younger than she is now in a limo that belongs to Valentino. The limo soon pulls up to the porn studio and (Name) walks out and enters the studio and sees Valentino talking to an unfamiliar demon.]

(Name): "VAL."

[(name) yelled happily before running up to Val as he opened his arms to catch her.]

Valentino: "Hello my Princessa, love to see you."

(Name): "I just couldn't keep away, plus Vel and Vox we're busy so you were my last option."

[(Name) chuckles before noticing the other demon staring at them.]

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