Dad Beat Dad: Part 4

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[Back to the tour, Vaggie was taking her turn explaining more about the hotel's role to redeeming demons so they can go to Heaven, most notably Angel Dust and (Name).]

Vaggie: "And we've almost been able to find all of Angel Dust's drug stashes... almost. And (Name hasn't had sex in like three weeks which if you're a succubus is a long time."

(Name): "I'm only slightly going through withdrawals. *Her eye twitches slightly*"

Charlie: "So, once that's out of the way, it should be much smoother sailing!"

Lucifer: "Well that certainly is, uhh... is-is something."

Charlie: "So, what do you think?"

Lucifer: "About what?"

Charlie: "The hotel."

Lucifer: "Oh! Yes! It does- it does look much better now, doesn't it? *chuckles* You know, but I'm thinking this railing needs work, one good push and you'd just go right over the edge! Whoopie! Bye bye! *chuckles*"

Charlie: "What? No, no, the plan, Dad! What do you think about using the hotel to help sinners?"

[No matter how much Lucifer hates to admit it, he wants Charlie to get one thing straight about what her plans are going.]

Lucifer: "*exhales* Alright, I mean, look, I love that you want to see the best in people, but these sinners, you know, they're just the worst. I, I don't know how much you can realistically expect from them, and Heaven? *Adjusts his collar* Hohooo boy, Heaven, is not exactly as carefree as you might think. Yeah, they have rules, lots of rules, and they aren't very open minded as you'd hope."

Charlie: "These are our people, Dad, I... I have to try!"

Lucifer: "Our "people" Charlie is awful! They got gifted free will and look what they did with it! Everything's terrible! *wheeze* I just don't want you to put yourself on the line for people like—"

[Lucifer was interrupted when a loud thud shakes the hotel, rocking the three of them on the balcony.]

Vaggie: "Geez! What now?!"

(Name): "I swear if they blew up the same fucking wall again."

Lucifer: "Well, like that."

[To prove his point, Lucifer gestured to a dozen of loan shark demon mafia on the ground holding a battering ram. The loan shark mafia were armed to the teeth with guns, melee weapons, and a battering ram as they ram the front door open. The leader of the loan shark mafia looks up at the balcony.]

Loan shark: "Mimzy! We know you're in there you lousy bitch!"

[Inside, the lobby, Mimzy realizes that the loan shark mafia found her and cartoonishly goes down in a sheepish wince, now already busted.]

Mimzy: "Oh shit."

[A portal opens up by Lucifer and all three of them return to the lobby as the loan shark mafia continues to ram the front door.]

Vaggie: Que Carajo?! (What the fuck?!)

Charlie: What's going on?!

(Name): "Mimzy what did you do?!"

Mimzy: "I maaaaaay be in trouble with some loan sharks. I may or may not have borrowed 50 grand from—*loud thud* Eep!"

[Scared, Mimzy cowards behind the bar counter to hide before peeking up to Charlie and Vaggie.]

Loan shark: "You better come out!"

Mimzy: "And I may have also stolen a car... and crashed it... into the loan shark's girlfriend, but that bitch had it coming!"

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