Welcome to heaven: Part 3

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[The scene transitions to an angelic courtroom, where Charlie and Vaggie are sat down. Adam walks by on his way to his seat with Lute.]

Charlie: "Oh no, not him again!"

[Adam flies up and sits down beside Lute.}

Adam: "What up, baby? Saw that you went to my manager. Low blow, Karen."

Sera: "We are gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell can be redeemed into the heavenly realm via means of this "Hazbin hotel". Princess Morningstar?"

Charlie: "*sigh* Thank you, Seraphim. *clears throat* Webster's dictionary defines redemption as—"

Adam: "Objection, lame and unoriginal."

Sera: "Sustained. No further dictionary references please."

Charlie: "Right, ok, uh, uh... uhhmmmm..."

[Charlie shuffles through multiple cards, all which have various dictionary references on. She makes eye contact with Michelle who avoids eye contact.]

Adam: "If you have actual evidence, then show it already."

Charlie: "We have a  two patrons right now who are making incredible progress!"

Adam: "Who?"

Charlie: "Angel Dust and the (Name). "

Adam: "Oh yeah, the porn demon and the slutty popstar demon. They're totally worth being redeemed. *Blows raspberry*"

Charlie: "Well, if you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into Heaven?"

Adam: "Uhmm... w-well... Uhh..."

Sera: "Is everything ok, Adam?"

Adam: "Give me a fucking minute, ok? *mutters*"

[Adam scrawls something down on a golden piece of paper, before teleporting it over to Vaggie.]

Vaggie: "*reading list* "Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man". Are you fucking serious?"

Adam: "Uh, yeah. Sure, got me here, didn't it? *Laughs nervously* Right, Sera?"

Sera: "He was the first human soul in Heaven and (Name) may have a chance..."

Charlie: "Well, I bet Angel and (Name) are doing all of those things right now!"

Adam: "Then let's fucking see it bruh! *Snaps fingers*"

[A spying orb appears in the middle of the courtroom.]

Charlie: "Your honor, may I present: exhibit A."

[Scene transitions to the nightclub, Angel dust, (Name) and the crew are at.]

Cherri Bomb: "Woo! Isn't this place the fucking best?"

Husk: "I'll admit, "Consent" is a good name for a sex club."

Sir Pentious: "Niffty, dear, what are you doing?"

Niffty: "I'm sweeping! Ugh, look how icky it is in here!"

Sir Pentious: "That's because we're at a club, dear."

Niffty: "Oh! I thought the hotel looked different! *giggles*"

[(Name) picks up Niffty and puts her in a seat next with a cup of water. Sir Pentious leans over to Cherri Bomb.]

Sir Pentious: "Ms. Bomb, I-I'd like to buy you a drink."

Cherri Bomb: "Why? Didn't you say we're arch riv als?"

Sir Pentious: "Uhm... uhh... because I'm buying everyone a drink!"

Crowd: "Free drinks! I love alcohol!"

(Name): "He definitely Can't afford all of that." 

Angel Dust: "Doesn't matter, I need a drink after today. You know, Val, he's into this waterboarding shit now, I don't know, it's a kink."

(Name): "Ugh I hate hearing his fucking name. *She groans in annoyance*"

Cherri Bomb: "Yeah Angel, enough with the Val talk. He already ruined your whole day, don't let him ruin your night too. *Holds out three pills* Here, take one of these and you won't be worrying about nothing."

Husk: "Here we go."

Cherri Bomb: "Oh look! The drunk sobered up long enough to judge us."

Husk: "I ain't the one trying to get into Heaven. Look, you want to fuck up all your progress? Be my guest. I just... *sighs* I just thought you were better than that."

Cherri Bomb: "Thanks, Captain Buzzkill. Come on, Angie, let's get fucked up! It's been too long!"

Angel Dust: "I uhh... I don't know, it's been a long night and I don't need to go too wild."

Husk: "*approvingly* Hmm."

Cherri Bomb: "Come on, bitch. If you've really been working that hard, you deserve a little R and R, some THC, or maybe PCP with DMT. Aw, fuck it, let's see where the night takes us, huh?"

[Sir Pentious slithers back into frame.]

Angel Dust: "I.. I guess?"

Sir Pentious: "Cherri, I bought you a shot. B-because I bought everyone another shot! Hooray! *chuckles*"

Crowd: "Yeah! Another drink! I love alcohol!"

Angel Dust: "*drinks shot* ah... Fuck it, let's do it."

Husk: "*sighs*"

Cherri Bomb: " Hey Babygirl want to get in on this? *Holds up some pills. *"

(Name): "Nah I'm good."

Cherri Bomb: "Aw come baby girl don't ruin the fun."

(Name): "*(Name) Smirks before taking one of the pills in her mouth before grabbing Cherri's chin and brings her face close to her and places the pill in her mouth with her tongue, which leaves Cherri Bomb all hot and smiley.*"

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