overture: Part 3

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[Charlie giggles in excitement when she hears about the news until she calls Vaggie in gibberish, waving very franticly that freaks Vaggie out.]

Charlie: "Vaggie, (Name)! Holy, shit!"

Vaggie: "Ah! what?

[Charlie waves her to come "to her for some exciting news.]

Charlie: "*mumbling excitedly* get over here!"

[Vaggie sighs happily, grabs (Name)'s hand and comes to Charlie while she is jumping around in a very happy mode. As Angel Dust drinks in the background, Vaggie meets Charlie behind.]

Vaggie: "What's going on?"

[Charlie breathes in and out to calm her nerves so she can explain, but she was explaining so fast due to her excitement.]

Charlie: "My dad just called; he said that the leader of the Angel Army wants to meet. He asked if I could go instead."

[Charlie hyperventilates and grabs Vaggie to get up close. Vaggie, however, was confused since the Angels were already done with their extermination and won't be back for another year.]

Vaggie:" But-but the extermination just happened. What could they want this soon after-"

(Name): "Vaggie this could be a good thing."

[As Vaggie went on, Charlie was in the mood to get her hotel project to work and remains hopeful that she can.]

Charlie: "♫ I can do this! Somehow, I know it! ♫"

"♫ I'll get Heaven behind my plans! ♫"

Vaggie: "Charlie, hold on..."

Charlie: "♫ There's just no way I could blow it. ♫"

"♫ Not this once-in-a-lifetime chance! ♫"

Vaggie: "It's just a meeting."

Charlie: "♫To change their minds ♫"

"♫ And touch their hearts♫"

"♫ Or... whatever angels have! ♫"

Vaggie: "This could be bad..."

Charlie: "♫Cheer up, Vaggie! ♫"

"♫ This could be swell! ♫"

"♫Something tells me that today will be a happy day in Hell! ♫"

Vaggie: "Okay, but just don't... sing to them."

[Just before Vaggie could warn her, Angel Dust, Alastor, Niffty,(Name) and Keekee were already at the window where they can see Charlie singing out in the destroyed Pentagram City, as Angel Dust turns back to Vaggie still drinking from a bottle.]

Angel Dust: "That bitch is halfway down the street!"

Vaggie: "Is she—?"

Angel Dust: "Oh, she's dancin'!"

Vaggie: "Ugh, no..."

(Name): "But she seems so happy."

[The scene cuts to Charlie making her way down the street, oblivious to the destruction and bodies of dead demons everywhere as she continues to sing her song.]

Charlie: "♫ There's a warm, fuzzy feeling. ♫"

"♫ That wafts through the air. ♫"

"♫ Every street so revealing. It's hard not to stare! ♫"

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