.~The fall~.

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There will be no pictures and the top btw

It was just a normal day at the Hazbin Hotel, when suddenly a loud thud was heard outside. There was a hole in the sky with a bright, white light shining through. This obviously startled some of the residents because of how loud it was. Charlie walked to the door to open it, but the door was opened before she could actually open it.

There stood Adam, or someone who seemed to be Adam. He still looked like himself but.. A lot had changed. He still had his robes but instead of being white, gold and blue, they were red, white and black. His hair was very messy, and his mask horns are actual horns now. He has a long thin tail wagging very slowly behind him.

"The fuck you looking at" He still had the same attitude though (Sadly). 

"Adam? I thought you died- Wait, why are you here" Charlie was flabbergasted. She never would have expected Adam to actually appear right in front of the hotel. Adam looked like he was in pain so Charlie quickly and swiftly moved out of the way to let him in. Being very cautious of him at the same time.

Vaggie, obviously, didn't approve of this and had a frown on her face. In fact, none of the residents approved of this. It had been a couple days since the fight with the exterminators so some people were still a bit on edge, who wouldn't when the person who suggested the exterminations was in their safe space.

Adam looked around at the new and refurbished hotel, kinda impressed they got it fixed and running so fast. Though he didn't show it. He slowly walked inside, taking in every single detail, glaring at Vaggie on the way past her. She frowned more.

Adam rolled his eyes and continued walking. "How the fuck did you manage so fix this...thing.. up so fast?" He didn't actually care, just wanted their trust so he could bring the hotel down for good.

"My father helped us. What the hell happened to you though... Last time we saw you, you were an arrogant angel prick." Adam rolled his eyes yet again. He put one hand on his hip, like the gay thing he is, and looked at Charlie

"I fell, I thought that was obvious" As he said that, the one and only Lucifer walked in and saw him. Clearly not happy... 


The one for me. From the beginning.  -AdamsApple fanficWhere stories live. Discover now