Chapter 2

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*Warning: This chapter alludes to abuse, please seek help if you or a loved one are in an abusive situation!*

The Next Day

I wake to the sound of muffled voices downstairs and I turn to look at the clock on my bedside table. 7:58 AM. I can hear my mom talking to someone who is likely her friend Maggie. The voice is too high pitched and my dad would have already left for work by now. My mom, Abigail, works as a high-level official for the Council where she controls our news network. Henry, my dad, works as an architect for the Haven Construction Association and has been working on some new designs for the council building update.

I could sleep in now that my classes are over but I want to get an early start since Avery asked me to help her pick out an outfit for her party tomorrow. I brush my hair out of my face then decide on what to wear, I go with a gray sweater and jeans then tie my hair back into a loose braid. After brushing my teeth, I make my way downstairs and walk into the kitchen where I find my mom standing near the sink holding a cup of coffee and Maggie sitting at our island with a mug as well. My mom greets me with a soft smile and a "good morning" then holds out a cup of coffee for me too.

Maggie gives her greeting to me too and I can't help but notice the slight dark rim around the bottom of her left eye along with a bruise on her the right side of her jaw. She's done her best to cover the bruises up with makeup but sometimes it's still noticeable. I can only assume that she and my mom were talking about her husband and as much as they try to make an effort to shield me from knowing about her abusive spouse, it hasn't exactly been hard to put the pieces together. Maggie comes over often when things get especially bad and my mom has always made a pointed effort in ceasing all talk of Maggie's situation whenever I walk into the room.

"How does it feel to finally be free from your classes Cassandra?", Maggie jokes.

"Well it's definitely a weight off my shoulders but the hard part is waiting for results." I offer her a vague response, knowing that what she really wants to hear about is my upcoming Pairing Test but it's the last thing I want to talk about right now.

"Oh, well there are other exciting things coming your way and I know how excited and anxious you feel around this time just from when I was your age." I can't help but notice the undercurrent of sadness in her voice as she reminisces. I'm sure she was disappointed only to find out that who she was paired with was less than happy with her. For my parents, it's always been exactly the opposite, they've loved each other from the day they were paired.

My mom cuts in just as I was about to respond, "I hate to cut the conversation short, but I just looked at the time and if we don't leave now we could be late. I need to be at work by 9:00 for a meeting and I need to drop off Maggie before then." Maggie takes that as her cue to get her bag - my mom typically drops her off at our local preschool where she works.

"Remember Cass, your sister and Everett are coming over with Lily for dinner tonight so if you're doing anything today, be home by 5:30.", Mom says as she grabs her purse and travel mug then kisses me on the head before leaving with Maggie.

Everett is my brother-in-law and Lily is my two year old niece. While I adore Lily, I despise Everett. When she got married she became noticeably quieter, more docile, and doesn't visit us as often anymore. I miss her care-free nature, the old Aster. After I finish my coffee and breakfast, I bundle up in my winter coat and a scarf then head over to Avery's house. Her parents, like mine, aren't home because of work and that usually means she's got the run of the house.

Once I reach her doorstep I ring the doorbell. A chime sounds and I can hear her dog, Jack, barking away at me - the assumed intruder. Seconds later the door is ripped open by a slightly disheveled looking Avery who's wearing an apron that's dusted with flour.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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