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Year 2126
New York City

102 years later society has fallen into ruin from the deadly B8X virus that has spread worldwide. The once bustling streets of New York City to the small town bars that were packed full of people on a Friday night are now vacant. In order to preserve what was left of the United States, The Haven was created by the four founding families; the Hunts, Abaras, Seongs, and Grahams. The founding families then elected one representative from each family to to govern The Haven Sectors on their council. The first Haven Council members are as follows: Leticia Hunt, Aadan Abara, Hana Seong, and Oliver Graham. Together, they were the first to rule over the sectors and passed their roles down from generation to generation.

Only the immune now remain in ten of the largest cities which have now been renamed "sectors" and are in order from one through ten; New York City, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Austin, Seattle, and Los Angeles. The diseased have been cast out from sector walls and have been left to die as there is no cure for the B8X virus.

Upon an individuals' eighteenth birthday, by order of The Haven Council, they will take "The Pairing Test" which pairs you with another individual based on your biological compatibility. Once paired, it is forbidden to have extramarital relations with another and is illegal to divorce. Being homosexual, transsexual, bisexual, or any other identification other than heterosexual are also prohibited. These rules were set by the council in an effort to renew the population and cleanse humanity.

Place your trust in the hands of The Haven.

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