"Do you know when it started? When the Black Dragon's changed?" You ask. He slowly shakes his head. You slowly nod and sigh a bit.

"I heard about Hakkai quitting Toman-" He calmly says.

"Huh? Did it happen already?" Chifuyu quickly says.

"Mhm..." Baji hums. "Mikey had wanted me to join them at Danny's tomorrow... Saying he want's my say in the situation... But I'm not getting myself involved with any of that..." He sighs.

"Wait... You still talk to Mikey?" Chifuyu asks. Baji smiles and slowly looks at him.

"No... he still talks to me- I don't answer his calls but I get his voicemails." He slowly says.

"Ouch... that sounds cruel." You sigh. Baji stares at you and sighs.

"If you both plan on going to Danny's to listen in on their meeting... please don't make it obvious that you're there... I'm really not in the mood to get scolded by Draken. Man never knows when to shut up about shit like that." He softly huffs.

"So, you knew..." Chifuyu slowly says.

"You and Yuki together always means trouble... I'm not stupid enough to not notice..." Baji sighs.

"Why are you willing to tell us this if you think we are troublesome?" You ask.

"Cause I would do the same thing... If I was able to move around better, I would still be trying to expose Kisaki... Since I can't, I'll let you both do it."

"But this isn't-" You start.

"It will have something to do about Kisaki- I'm sure." Baji interrupts. "Again... don't get caught- and don't do anything stupid.... If anything happens, let me know."

Both you and Chifuyu nod.

After leaving his apartment. You and Chifuyu walk side by side down the sidewalk.

"So tomorrow... at Danny's-" Chifuyu slowly says.

"We can't be noticed... which means... we need a disguise."

"Sounds like a lot of work." He chuckles.

"Well... If we want to help Hakkai we have no choice." You sigh.

"Maybe we should talk to Hakkai... before going to Danny's..." He suggests. You slowly nod and stop walking.

"I think... I have his number." You say as you pull out your phone.

"Hey! Yuki..." A voice says from behind you. You slowly turn your head to the voice to see a guy approaching you. He looks familiar.

"It's you..." Chifuyu huffs, pushing you behind him. Koda smiles at the two of you and stops a few feet in front of you.

"Koda? What do you want?" You rasp. He puts his hands in his pocket and pulls out a cigarette. He lights it and takes a puff from it.

"What's your beef with Ayame Yoshizaki?" Koda slowly says, smiling at you.

"Ayame Yoshizaki?" Chifuyu says in a confused tone.

Wait... how does he know who Ayame is... You think to yourself.

"Why do you ask?" You question Koda.

"I heard things... that's all- I was curious- ya know." He chuckles.

"What things?" Chifuyu huffs. Koda flicks his cigarette and sighs.

"Be careful with that girl... I heard she's crazy-"

"Okay? And why are you telling me this?" You ask.

"I heard she's been seeking an organ donor... She seems like the type of person who would... cut you open just to get her hands on whatever she needs."

"The hell?" Chifuyu squints his eyes and tilts his head to the side, staring at Koda.

"What are you talking about?" You ask.

"I mean- you are her enemy right?"

"Yeah but... why would she cut me open and take my organs...? That's a weird thing to say." You sigh.

"Didn't you hear me- She needs an organ donor. Do you know how much it costs to get your hands on stuff like that? She seems desperate and all... So... I just wanted to warn you."

"How do you know who Ayame is? What's your relationship with her?" You question. Koda takes a long puff of the cigarette and flicks it again.

"Ayame was well known in this certain part of Roppongi... she would manipulate and exploit old men for their money, working in underground clubs or brothels back then... you would know who she is if you were from there..."

"She slept with older men... why?" You ask.

"Well... old single men are desperate... lonely. They would pay to have a nice young girl- and she took advantage of that. I remember her a few years back- she was bruised up after a man used her and dumped her. She was young- and I was confused on why she did nasty shit with men at her age. She's pretty too- so I was surprised she even allowed people to abuse her like that. But then I found out she was the one who used them..."

"Why would she do that?" You ask.

"Isn't it obvious? I thought you already knew... Ayame is an orphan... She needed that money to survive... I'm not surprised about things like that- I've seen orphans go beyond what a normal person should to get money..."

"Like you..." You huff. Koda smiles back at you which makes you furrow your eyebrows.

"Okay? Why are you telling us any of this? Weren't you just trying to kill Yuki?" Chifuyu interrupts and grumbles. Koda closes his eyes and softly smiles. Then he looks at Yuki.

"I tried to kill you three times... each time you survived... even had my client arrested... You amuse me Yuki..." he takes another puff from the cigarette and chuckles. "I still want to kill you... but at the same time- It's a lot more fun to just watch it all... happen. I'm only telling you this because I don't like dirty fights. I hope this information helps you." He says walking away.

"The hell- what's up with that dude... He say's all of that- and just leaves..." Chifuyu huffs. You stand still feeling confused.

Why did he tell me that? That didn't help at all... What does Ayame got to do with anything- I don't understand...

"Geez... now my brain hurts." You sigh.

"Wait- who is this Ayame person...? You never mentioned her to me..." Chifuyu says, looking at you. You take a deep breath and explain everything to him.

After explaining it all to him, he sighs and looks out into the distance. "She sounds jealous..." He quietly says. "I remember Ren now that you mention him... You think Ren has anything to do with why she hates you?" Chifuyu slowly asks, looking at you. You slowly nod.

"I can't remember who told me... I think it was Eli. He said Ren used to like me. I assume Ayame likes him too..."

"So, you think Ayame is jealous of the fact Ren likes you? That's- wow... someone would go that far over a guy...? Geez... she does sound crazy." Chifuyu sighs.

"For some reason... I feel like I should try and figure out what Koda was talking about... What he said was so random... I haven't been thinking about Ayame or had any association with Ayame recently... well not since the fight at school. But- why was she boughten up to me all of a sudden?" You slowly say.

"Do you think Ayame reached out to Koda and asked Koda to kill you? I mean- she sounds like the type to do that." Chifuyu states.

"Maybe... but why? Why does she want to still get at me...? I'm no longer the top student at school... and I no longer talk to Ren or Hana... so- why?"

"You know what... After we are done with the Hakkai situation... let's figure out what this... Ayame thing is." He softly says. "One thing at a time... Okay?" You slowly nod and look at Chifuyu.

"We should contact Hakkai... and talk to him about the situation. I still want to apologize to him." You add.

"Alright. Let's do that then."

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