The Reunion

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Hi! Here is another extra scene for you lovely readers to enjoy while I work on the third book! I've been so busy and stressed lately, with not much time to write so this is a chapter I already had written. I've had competitions, tests, mental breakdowns, and I have prom this coming up weekend. I hope you all can understand and be patient with me :)

    ~ Riley Rose


Pan is trying to make it back to the Neverland mock up without being seen, but it's almost impossible when the majority of the way back from where she was through the marketplace. She grabbed a dark colored hoodie from her bag and threw it on to hide her trademark curls. Her black jeans and combat boots luckily wouldn't draw any unwanted attention and she just needed to keep her head down.

Pan sighs as she turns out onto the main street of the market. Before she left the Isle to go to Auradon, Pan had a spell on her bag so unless she wants you to see it, you won't, and she's just hoping that it is still working. She doesn't have the energy to redo the spell if not, so she's not going to stick around and find out.

"Hey! Come back 'ere!"

Pan doesn't turn around, she just keeps walking. Her instincts are telling her that he is shouting for her, but she also knows she is in no condition to be fighting right now. Any other day she would've whopped this person's ass by now, but not today. Not after the exertion of power she just gave.

She hears some commotion and, asking a glance behind her, she sees a man sprinting straight at her. Groaning, she starts to book it out of there. She takes as many turns as she can to try and lose the guy, but he seems to be catching up. She sees a somewhat hidden alleyway coming up and she gets an idea. She runs right through the scarf stand, making sure to weave around in them so they get all ruffled and he gets confused, before she ducks into the alley she saw before and teleports onto the roof moving back a bit so she won't be seen if he finds the alley.

The big man runs right past the opening and Pan lets out a sigh of relief. She decides to continue her journey on the roof tops for now, but making sure to stay on either the ones too tall for people on the ground to see or ones in the center of a cluster of them so she doesn't get caught.


About thirty minutes later, Pan can finally see the Neverland mock up. She almost starts crying in relief, but doesn't let herself show any emotion l yet until she knows that's where her boys are. Looking around, she makes sure no one is looking before she jumps down and starts to jog into the borders of the place she's called home for so many years. Not even ten steps in, and she's stopped by some of the lost boys, who hold up their makeshift weapons.

"Freeze, scumbag."

Pan smiles when she hears Malachi's voice. The boy is standing in front with Tegan, Ricky, and Viktor standing behind him. She goes to take a step forward, but they hold their weapons higher. She looks at her boys confused before she remembers the hood is still covering her identity.

"Boys, boys it's me."

Pan rips the hood off her head and all of the boys drop their weapons in shock. Tegan is the first one to break, running to go hug the older girl. Pan kneels just as the blonde haired boy makes it into her arms, almost knocking her to the ground with the force he used. He starts to sob into her arms, making her start crying too. Malachi and Viktor soon follow, also going to embrace the girl. They all stand in each other's embrace and cry for a long moment.

Hearts Fall UnnexpectedlyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz