Chapter Eight: Deja Vu

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In Auradon Ben is sitting in his office working away on paperwork to try and get two haunting women out of his thoughts, but it's just not working. Shaking his head, hoping that'll do the trick, he picks up another paper and starts speaking to his assistant.


"Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Can you ask Lumiere to call me regarding Cotillion?"

"Yes, sir."

"Thank you."

Ben goes back to his paperwork but is quickly interrupted by a knocking and his door opening.

"Ben.." Evie comes in with a sigh.

The king looks up and smiles at the sight of his friend and most popular designer currently in the school, "Evie! Come on in."

Ben stands up as Evie makes her way over to him, but by her face he can tell something is wrong. Usually the blue haired girl is full of light and smiles, especially around Doug, but right now there is no hint of a smile on her face, making the one from his fall. This feels all too familiar.

Ben was sitting at his desk rummaging through papers, trying to find some work to do, but today happened to be one of the few days he was caught up on everything. He was hoping to get his fight with Payton off his mind. If he was being honest with himself, he would have to say he has no idea who he truly wants to be with, Mal or Payton.

Moments later, Carlos came barging into the room with a face full of anger and dread.


Ben sat up in shock and looked at the white haired boy, "Carlos? What's wrong? Is it Dude?"

Carlos scoffed, "No, no Dude is just fine. But you know who isn't? Payton. She's gone, man!"

Ben sighed and ran his hand down his face, "I know, I know, she's been using her magic way too much. It almost is like she's go.."

"No, Ben," Carlos cut the king off, making him look at the boy confused, "like she's really gone. No one can find her and all of her stuff is gone. She's gone."

Ben's heart dropped and he stumbled slightly from shock. His mind was flashing with pictures of the two of them together. From the moment she stepped out of the limo, to even their last fight they had just hours before. What Ben never truly realized was that he was her only true reason to stay in Auradon. She had much more pressing issues everywhere else, but she wanted to be with Ben. But he treated her like an option.

"This is all my fault.."

Carlos scoffed out a bitter laugh, "You think?"

Ben glared at the white haired boy, almost making him back down, but Carlos stood his ground, "You know what? No, I'm not going to let you intimidate me. I stuck my neck out for you two last year. A lot. Whether she was your true love or not, she really cared about you and was sacrificing everything to be with you. And you chose Mal over her? Of all people? I love the girl, but come on, Ben."

Ben looked down, thinking over all the words the boy said. Was he right? No, he can't be.

At least he still has Mal.

"Mal's gone back to the Isle."

Ben's heart drops along with his face. He has no words to stay as he is stuck in a constant loop of deja-vu. Evie sighs and walks up to the king to hand him the note Mal left, which is more than Pan ever did. She had nothing left to say to the king, but it seems like Mal does. Ben grabs the paper from the blue haired girl and starts to open it until Evie stops him.

"Ben.." Evie says, handing him the one item the girl left with the small note.

Ben's ring.

The boy feverishly opens the paper and starts to read it as fast as he can. The summary being one anyone could guess, 'I'm sorry, I couldn't do this anymore, I need to leave.' Ben's mind races as he thinks about how he could let this happen. He thought he had learned from Pan, but he obviously didn't.

"This is my fault!"

"This is all my fault.."

"This is my fault," Ben continues, "I blew it. She'd been under so much pressure lately and instead of understanding I just went all beast on her!"

The king slams his hands down on his desk in frustration. It's taking everything he has to not start throwing things, but he doesn't want to lose his temper. At least not in front of Evie.

"I have to go there and apologize!" Ben says, coming to a revelation, "I have to go there and beg her to come back."

"Ben, you'll never find her!" Evie argues. "You need to know the Isle and how it works, and.."

She stops for a moment before taking a deep breath, "You have to take me with you."

"Yes!" Ben whips around before calming himself, "Uh, a-are you sure?"

Evie sighs, "Yeah. She's my best friend. And we'll bring the boys too because there's safety in numbers and none of us are too popular over there right now."

"Thank you.."

"But let's get three things straight," Evie says, cutting the boy off. He nods and waits for her to continue.

"One, this isn't the first time you've hurt a friend of mine. You better fix it this time."

Ben nods quickly, making her sigh and continue, "Two, you have to promise I won't get stuck there again."

"I promise."

"Three," she sighs, looking the boy up and down, "there's no way you're going looking like that."

Ben clears his throat insecurely and stands up straighter, brushing the imaginary dust off his clothes.

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