Chapter 4 - Luna

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I hear Zaila catch up with me after leaving Aldric's office. Through the bond I feel different emotions coming from him; shock, pride, and a large amount of horniness. The last one has me chuckling. We will know what the other is thinking, typically through images, when he completes the bond by marking me. But for now, we can only feel each other's emotions. If I remember correctly from my research, Queen Anna could send her emotions to the King from miles away. I might have to use that to my advantage soon. I chuckle again as Zaila clears her throat.

"Luna," she mumbles. I arch an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to speak. "Willow said you would make an excellent Luna. I'm thrilled that our King has a such strong Queen by his side to run the kingdom with." My features soften and I smile at her.

"Please, call me Bree when it is just the two of us," I say. "I need wolves that will keep things real with me Zaila. I hope you will be one of those such wolves."

"Absolutely," she says. "Would you like to know about your new home?" I nod my head in response as we continue walking. "Gold Heart Pack territory spans two hundred thousand acres. Our castle rests on one thousand of those acres to the far east. There are two large lakes nestled under a mountain at the far northern part of our territory. Cattle ranches are to the north and west and produce farms are to the south. In the middle is a vast area of woods for us to roam safely."

"What of the castle?" I ask.

"The outer bailey or rather the outer wall surrounds the castle's acres. Farms and stables are to the west with an indoor range, gunsmith, and outdoor range is to the east. The outdoor range is outside the wall in order to test larger weapons. We also have a hospital on the east side close to the range. Barracks are scattered inside the outer wall for easy protection. Everyone that lives on the castle grounds works at the castle in some capacity," Zaila replies. She stops for a moment, staring off into the distance. Then she smiles broadly and continues. "Your bodyguard will meet us later this morning. I hope that is okay." I groan at thought of a bodyguard but I know it's required as Luna.

"Do you trust them?" I ask as we finally get to the first floor.

"I should hope so," she says, smiling broadly again. "I'm married to her."

"Oh! Well, that's convenient," I laugh.

We turn right, and I look down the other hallway behind us. That's the way to the main ballroom from last night. Zaila stops in front of the first door and opens it. I notice a few Omegas are cleaning the room, dusting shelves or furniture. They stop as soon as the doors open and wait by the walls, eyes down. The room is gigantic, almost as big as the ballroom from last night. Inside is a gigantic fireplace on the back wall opposite from us. There are floor to ceiling windows on either side of the fireplace. The windows have gold curtains that are pulled back with red sashes. The gold painted ceiling looks to be well over thirty feet high and the flooring is the same as in the ballroom. The rest of the room is covered in floor to ceiling bookshelves on every wall and each shelf is packed with books. In the center of the room is an enormous wooden circular table can sit at least twenty to twenty-five guests. The table is the same mahogany color as in Aldric's office. There are high-backed mahogany chairs with gold cushions. Two though are gold with red cushions for the Alpha and Luna. This must be where formal meetings are held. Zaila confirms my thinking.

"This is where you and Alpha will have formal meetings," she says proudly. "There are a wide range of topics on the shelves. Pretty much if a wolf has published it, Alpha has it."

"It's very impressive," I say as she escorts me back out of the room.

We walk down the hallway again and eventually make it to the next door. She opens it and I am taken back again at how large the room is. This room has the same color patterns as the last one except the walls are gold with one on the left completely mirrored. Another fire place with tall windows is on the opposite wall from us. There is also a large chandelier hanging from the center of the room. Below it is a twenty person rectangular mahogany dining table with the same high-back chairs and a gold chair sits at each end. There are gold candlestick holders spaced out on the table as well.

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