Just a Taste | Mikey 💚🍋

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Request by: TMNTFanGirl2245 

It's been months since Mikey first kidnapped you, and he honestly had been fairly welcoming. He took care of you, and never did anything that you were uncomfortable with, except for isolating you from the world. However Mikey can be very persuasive, when it comes to getting what he wants. 

WARNINGS: Lime, mentions of murder 



As much as you hated to admit it, living with Mikey wasn't so bad. Sure, he was extremely obsessive over you, and never let you leave his sight, but you expected a lot worse. He really does love you, and care about your well being, even though he's literally insane. 

He always makes you three meals a day, and even let's you have a snack if you want one. He never lets you skip out on meals ever. He also makes sure you get plenty of rest, and don't over work yourself. And even if you've been misbehaving, he still takes you outside. 

Of course there's nothing for you to really disobey, since he never really does anything against your will. He is very forgiving, and usually only ever yells at you, if you misbehave. 

Now besides him keep you in the lair against your will, he actually is pretty nice. And usually he never asks for anything, but for you to just stay with him forever. And you basically didn't have a choice, but to do that. 

Since Mikey never does anything without your permission, he's good at persuading you to get what he wants, when you say your uncomfortable with something. 

Sometimes he'll tell you all the benefits, other times he'll offer you a reward, but if you still say you don't want to do something, he'll threaten to hurt your family or someone else you love. He'd never dream of hurt you physically, but if hurting someone else he hardly knows gets you to do what he wants, he'd end their life within seconds. 

This was one of those times. You were laying in Mikey's hammock, coloring in a drawing Mikey made for you to color. You could tell that he was feeling extra lovey dovey, by the sound of his voice as he entered his room. 

"Good morning, honey bun boo~" He said, spinning around a little bit, and giving you a kiss on the cheek. You muttered good morning to him, as he looked at his drawing. 

"Your doing a great job coloring my drawing, baby! You made it even better, with your amazing artistic talent!" He said, happily. He lifted you up, off the hammock. Then he sat down, still holding you, and placed you on top of him. 

As you sat in his lap, he wrapped his arms around you, and hid his face in your neck. Then he breathed in your sweet scent, and nuzzled into your neck. As long as he wasn't doing anything to physical, you were happy, but you still didn't really like it. 

"You smell so amazing, Honeybee. We need to cuddle more often." He said to you, with his words all muffled, from him face being nuzzled into your neck. 

"We're not cuddling. Your just hugging me, and I'm allowing it." You said, quietly. You didn't really want to make him mad, but you wanted to get your loin through to him. Then you went back to coloring the picture. 

"I know, love. But someday, you'll hug me. Someday you'll even love me. I know it whether you do or not. I mean you are let me hug you after all." He said, turning you around in his lap, with you facing him. 

He looked at your beautiful, sparkly eyes. And then at your perfect lips, that he would kiss for day, if you just let him. He placed a thumb onto your lips, rubbing them a little bit. You looked at him a little scared. 

"Can I please kiss you, honey?" He said, looking back at you. You looked at him worriedly. "Just a little smooch, it'll barely be anything. I promise that your lips won't go completely numb by the time I'm done, baby." He said, licking his lips a little bit. 

"No, no. Please don't." You said, a little scared he would anyway. You tried to back up, but he lifted his legs up, to where you were laying on his thighs. You were right in front of him, and you tried your best to look away. 

"Please, baby! I promise it'll be good! All you have to do is say yes." He said, but you shook your head, and continued to look away from him. "Honey, please. I promise I'll reward you. If you want I'll let you call your family, how about that?" He said, trying to get you to do it. 

Of course he'd never let you call your family, and even if he did, he'd keep you from telling them where you are. You tried all that you could to ignore him, but he just got closer and closer to you. 

"Honey, don't make me do anything you regret~" He said, and you looked at him shocked. You knew exactly what he meant by that. "Now if you don't listen, honey. I might just have to hurt your family, and we wouldn't want that right, baby~" He said, grabbing your chin. He pulled you closer to him, and you shook your head. 

"That's right baby. Now, can we continue?" He asked. You didn't want anything to happen to your family, so you nodded your head. "I need words, honey~" 

"Yes, Mikey." You said, a little overwhelmed by the situation. The second you said yes, Mikey smashed his lips against yours. You rested your shaky hands on his arms, as he continued to give you a long, deep kiss. You however didn't kiss back. 

"Making out is a two way thing, love." He said, pulling away and giggling. You gulped as he pushed your lips back onto his. You began to kiss him back, hesitantly. 

The kiss was rough, and passionate, but you still didn't enjoy it like Mikey said. Then he shoved his tongue into your mouth, exploring all around it. You flinched once he did this, but he held the back of your head, so you couldn't move away. Then the two of you parted and he looked at you with lust in his eyes. 

"You taste so good, honey~" 


1070 words

Thank you for reading! 

Constructive criticism is always appreciated! 

Have a great day! 

Ye! 💚

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