Fire Alarm(ง︡'-'︠)ง

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A blaring sound startled Hoseok awake. His whole body whipping forward into a sitting position.

"What the actual-!" Taehyung, his roommate was quick to cover his ears in attempt to quiet the shrill, almost unbearable noise ringing through their dorm room.

"I think it's the fire alarm" Hoseok noted, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes while standing up. 

The comment seemingly woke Taehyungs mind, a worried expression settling on his face "Fire? in the dorms? Do you think this is an exercise?"

"I don't know" He quickly grabbed his coat, an action out of habit and made is way to the door "But we should really get out of here just in case it's not."

And with that, both males made their way out into the hallway that was already stuffed with other unnerved students. All worried about the potential risk of a fire in their building.

It didn't really smell like smoke though, Hoseok noted as he and Taehyung made their way downstairs and into the area right outside of their dorm where about 500 students were already gathered, all wearing nothing more than their pyjamas.

"It really looks like they evacuated the entire building" Taehyung noted.
"Yeah.." Hoseok's eyes wandered over the scene, scanning the many students and multiple fire fighters already  blocking off the main entrances.

He felt a sudden nudge to his shoulder "Hey" his worried eyes met the ones of his roommate "He'll be fine" Taehyung grabbed his hand "In fact let's go look for him and the others. I'm sure they're all fine if Jungkook didn't try to fist fight the fire"

This made Hoseok chuckle and as if speaking of the devil, they encountered the man himself together with Jimin and Jin among the crowd of students not 2 minutes later.

"Hey guys" Jungkook gave a lazy wave but Hoseok only tilted body to the side as if the person he was looking for could be standing behind the tall brunette. 

Noticing his gaze, Jin couldn't help but chuckle "Seriously you two lovebirds are too much" He shook his head in disapproval "Yes, Yoongi's alive and he's just taken off to go look for you in the crowd of students himself.-" He took a small pause, thinking "Well, he dragged Namjoon alongside too, because quote 'Two pair of eyes are more than one and your tall ass has a better view of the scene'" 

This made Taehyung chuckle and Hoseok let out a sigh of relieve. Even though he didn't smell nor see any smoke coming from the building, he was still glad Yoongi was safe. That had always been his number one priority.

"Well then I'll go look for him too" Hoseok smiled, immediately turning around and walking off.
Maybe this will make his search for Yoongi take longer but he couldn't just stand there and wait for Yoongi to find him. The thought of his boyfriend desperately looking for him among the crowd of students made a pit grow in his stomach.

Even though he was sure Yoongi wasn't desperate, he had never seen him have any type of emotion even slightly close to desperate. Yoongi was the type of guy who was unknown to lose his nerve in stressful situations like these. He was the type to be  rational, not drawing conclusions out of thin air.

That's why he completed Hoseoks overly dramatic side very well he thought. And that was also why Min Yoongi was known to be the 'cool emo guy' among their college campus. It had always made Hoseok chuckle to himself how Yoongi loved his dark and cold image, but in reality, the first time he asked Hoseok out he looked more like a small kitten than a confident bad boy. Even though he really tried.

It was one of the many reasons Hoseok adored him so much, but also made him frown at his current situation. Yoongi nor Namjoon were under the crowd of students. But Jin wouldn't have lied to him, so where could they be? 

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