Escape Room

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A/N a rather short one bc I rlly like the idea

Yoongi sighed, hating every second of what he was going to do next as he entered the wooden closet. No, he was not about to hide his sexuality again, but rather do his job.

Let's just say, student loans had been more expensive than expected and to make a living for himself, Yoongi had stumbled upon an actor position at a horror themed escape room.

His job was fairly simple seeing as all he had to do was dress up and scare costumers who try to solve the riddles and escape.

'Here we go' he thought to himself hearing the music indicating the guests had entered the game.

"AHHHHHHH!!" - what the?

He had most definitely not anticipated some costumer screaming his balls off the first second the game started.

'Well he's not gonna like this part then' Yoongi almost mumbled to himself, seeing how there were only a few moments left before his part came.

A loud thud roared through the small escape room- highlighted by way too dramatic background music of course- as he stormed out of his hiding spot to give the visitors a nice little scare.

What he most definitely did not anticipate was one of the guys in the room practically yeeting his whole existence from where he was standing- which mind you wasn't even close to Yoongi- to the next best corner as far away from him as possible.

Huh, it almost reminded Yoongi of his dating life.

The others in the room, presumably the guys friends, erupted into a roar of laughter. "Hobi chill!" one of them said almost rolling on the floor from laughing so hard "It's just an actor"

"Well why on earth is he dressed like a Zombie!" The Hobi guy practically wailed.

"Because we're in a horror escape room?" Suddenly the chains around Yoongis torso gave in, causing him to reach a little further into the room.

Poor Hobi guy almost got a heart attack from that. 

"WELCOME YOUNG SCIENTISTS!" a sound then erupted from one of the speakers. This wasn't a surprise to Yoongi at all, he'd done this bit since forever after all.

"You and your fellow comrades sought out this hidden science lap where the Zombie virus found it's origin in hopes of finding a cure. But things took a bad turn when there was a sudden explosion causing the main gates to close. Now, you must solve all riddles and find the exit before the rusty chains on one of the failed test subjects completely give in-"

'-and it'll eat you alivveee oh nooo' Yoongi continued in his head while almost rolling his eyes at the monologue he had heard way too many times for it to be healthy.

Yes his role was playing said 'failed test subject' and yes the cheap plastic chains around his torso were uncomfortable as hell. But anyway, money stayed money.

'rrrhhh' the sound of Yoongis chains binding him to the wall giving in was heard yet again. So naturally, Yoongi comfortably waddled his way into the 'scary science lab'. Of course, which would Yoongi only admit over his dead body, he did have to actually put on an act and imitated a Zombie walk as best as he could. 

"OH MY FUCK GUYS WE'RE GONNA DIE IN HERE" The Hobi guy almost seemed to piss his pants, frantically starting to run around the room looking for clues or rather, an emergency exit.

"okay!" a tall blond guy clapped his hands together "Let's get this going then!"

Damn he's the leader typa guy then. "How about we start exploring around a bit for clues" Yoongis chains gave in a bit more "Annnd that fast"

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